The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

10-C THE TAMPA TRIBUNE BOND LIST COMPLETE. NEW YORK STOCK LIST Friday, April 28, 1961 CARRIER COMEBACK Airline, rail stocks recover from '60 lows. V4 Murphy 2.20a 3 51 504 504- xCinG pf 4 75 1.30 1014 101H 1014 GrahPg pf .60 84 84 84-Granby 1 11 11 11 Grand L'n 62 354 34-4 344 Granbv 1 11 11 11 Murray Co 8 284 284 2844 4,450,000 xCin GE pf 4 .50 86 4,980,000 i Cin Mil 1.60 9 45 88 86 -1 444 444- 4 NY Cen 5 2013 18 ftS'- 65 ((54 NYCen 4WS2013 29 58i 58'4j 58v NY Cen 4s 98 20 54 53s 34 NYCLS3Vs98rf 19 S2i 52 52V NVConn 54 Si 5i NY NH Stock Market i BOND S4.LES Approx. final total Thursday 5 830,000 Previous day 6.770.000 Week ago 7.270.0O0 Month ago 6 247.000 Year ago 5.893.000 Granch CStl 1.40 32 464 464 464-1 ioor 78-4- 4 4.816,480 CIT Finan 2 80 9 79-4 784 tamer mocks I 5,614,720 Cities Svc 2.40 78 544 534 534- STOCK SALES Apprx. final total Thursday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago Two years ago Jan.

1 to date 1960 to date 1959 to date 3,187,790 City Invest .50 53 284 25 cv 4V, M22f It Two year ago 6.060.500 3,308,365 City Prod 2.60 6 64 Grant 1.20 41 31 xGrant pf3.75 .30 78 GraysRob 39 164 Gt AP 1 20 51 51 Gt Iron 2.25e 6 25 Gt No Pao 1 6 614 -i i Ntco 80 9 16H 16W- a. Nat Acme 2a 6 544 53H 54,. I1 inzl a Na Airnn 37t 10 Vi-i 13U 13. 4 9di nil Nat Aviat 2 28g 4 274 27W 27- ent Nat Bisc 2.80 14 IH4 80, 8U4-IV4 593.403.100 NYNH 4s20d7 104 104 104. 25S 254 2S- 4 55 54 4 54- 28 470.552.150 NY Put 4 93 4 Jan.

1 to dale 1960 to dale 1959 to date 63 4 14 38 24 46 284-34 64 Vi 14 40 1H 25 46 4 57 4 4 398,011,897 City Str 7 244,629,826 ClarkEquip 1.20 36 307,384,016 Cletrac .60 16 14 40 25 NY Tel 44 91 1004 100 1004-14 558.478.300 46 Gt No Ry 3 40 484 484 484- 4 Gt Fin 66 484 474 474 4 574 57 1 Nat Can 51 13i 12a 13 i Nat CashR 1.20 34 91- SOW 91'. 4 I V.fitv-I 1 tl- Oil. 111.. 1, Gt West 1.20a 10 314 314 314 97 Is Mixed In Light Trade WHAT STOCKS DID 68 Ml 67 654 644 SirTn 1 im il 2-5 Stt-V'N" DaiTy 2 24 66U 65 66 Green 108 28-s 2, 3' Nat Distill 1.20 76 27 264 26H- ClevClif 1.40a 1 ClevEILl 1.80 9 xClev El pf4.50 .20 Clevite 1.20 13 CluettPea JOg 8 CocaCola 2.40 58 CocaBot NY 1 21 ColgPalm 1 20a 151 xColgPal pf3.50 .10 1.20 9 NEW YORK, April 27 Following is the complete tabulation of today's stock transactions on the New York Stock Exchange: A Sales Net Stocks Hds) High low Close Chg Abbott 1 80a 18 664 654 65- 4 ABC Vend lb 15 574 564 564- 4 ACF Ind 2.50 35 56-4 554 564 4 ACF Wrir 40 146 214 201 20i- Acme Stl JOg 27 204 20" 204- 4 894 87 88-44 4 -reen snot zu ju- ju ju 0. 264 26.4 26.

i greyhound lb 13 24 23'. 24 KSiCM S7 29U 21 4 ttxo "if. Orum Aire i.ow 3 1 v-4 Jl 31 x- oa -a 74 74i 74W GulfMobiO 15 22M, 22 224. v. tG? 32H 31H 32- Gulf Oil lb 194 40 39H 404 IVS.

3 jf i Airline 3 Stock, tt0 $J- MJMI'W 34S83 1 86 86 86 -1 Nia.MPw 3483 15 824 824 82H- Norf i 4s 96 1 93 93 93 NoiPac 442047 18 954 95. 93H 4 Northropcv 579 87 162 158 1584- Northropcv 4.75 32 22i 222 J2J 6 (J OlinMcv 5482 67 1234 1224 123 OlinMcv 54s83 31 1234 1234 1234-1 Pac GiE 449 6 101, 1014 1014 PacGiK 4486 6 liH'4 1004 1004- Pac (iiF 4 490 10 1004 1004 1004-U, Pac GiK 385 3 864 96 86 .2 PacGiE 1 80 80S 80H- 4 Pac GiE 3s 74 11 864 854 8V4- Pac GIE 3 77 4 63 4 83 4 34 10 814 814 814- Pac TiT 4488 3 974 97'. 974 Pac TiT :.478 4 86. 86 4 864 Pac TiT 3487 3 8U' 804 am. 1 P.mAAcv44n 79 12 101 100 4 101 4 J.i in lm im mi i xNatLeadpfA7 131 laOM Wl-l'i Colo Fi-Ir 33 20 CBS 1.40b 58 41 ColumGas 1.10 86 26 Mi 25: 26.1: xGulfSCpr 4 20 .60 88 88 88-14 Thar.

Wed. Advance 541 7H Decline 553 37s Unchanged 214 234 Total Issue 1308 1320 New 1961 high 100 98 New 1961 low 7 Col Pict 27 304 Nat Mai 2 Adams Ex 4 284 28 23 I rarh 7 in 584 574 58W- 621, fi.i. a. i Adam Mill .72 26 42 12'4 J2J ColiSOr.E, 1.80 4 82 824- 4 ComhFnff 1 20 42 34 31H 3U-2. Hi NEW YORK.

April 27 Following are today's high, low and closing prices of Bonds on the New York Slock Exchange and the total sales of each Bond. World Bank: Bid Asked C. Yld. Int Bk RiD 3.s68 97.24 98 16-. 16 4 00 Int Bk RiD 34s69 96.16 97.16 3 86 Int Bk RiD 34s7l S416 95.16 4 02 Int Bk RiD 3 s72 89 90 ..4 11 Int Bk RiD 44s7J 101.16 102 16 4 22 Int Bk RiD 3s75 91 92 4 14 Int Bk RiD 3 T6 85.16 86 16 4 22 Int Bk HAD 44s7 101.16 102 16 4 28 Int Bk RiD 44s78 97 16 98 16 4 37 Int Bk RiD 44s79 97 16 98.16 4 37 Int Bk RiD 4.80 103 104 4 44 Int Bk Ri-D 34s81 85 86 16 4 24 Int Bk RiD 5 s85 105 106 4 58 Bid and asked prices quoted In dollars and thirty seconds.

Corporation: -A (Sales In Net $1.0001 High Low Last Chg. Ala Pow 3472 8 904 904 904-14 Alrionscv 5-80 20 166 163 163 -3 AllegLudcv 481 10 115 114. 115 Allied Ch 34s78 12 934 934 Alcoa 44s 82 1 0 98 4 984 984 V4 Alcoa 34s 64 31 984 98 98 Am Tan 16 1034 1024 1034 1 134- rnmlf'rpri 390 624 314 81'4 42U Hall Print 1 40 4 34 Halliburton 2.40 16 48I4 Hamil Wat 1 2 25,4 xHam Wat pf 4 .10 100 34 48 vi 25 100 84' 4-42" 4- Nat Steel 3 NalSueRef Nat Tea .80 50t Natomas Nautec Cp 1 Neptune 40g Newberrv 2 Addressog 90b 15 Admiral 22 Aeroquip 40b 19 Air Control .50 15 Air Reduct 2 50 42 83 13. 36-4 IPs 72 "4 354 4 omi Cre wi 4 834 42'4 291 4 ,59 1 I960 1961 NEW YORK, April 27 Copper nd aircraft showed strength while 111'1 11. 2 ComlSolv 60b 152 30 flST WiiK Of IACM MONTH HammerP 1.20b 7 30 30 Hmd Org la 8 34' AJ Indust 33 4: Morrfc Kat.

77. 77 111 111 100 mo Data: Stanoora1 aar u- 71 Comw Ed 2b 22 78 ir xComwE pf5.25 .20 111 34' 3d'. 4 ComwEd pf4.64 1100 164 4 Comptomet 96 21. 'en KK Ala Gas I 60 22 334 ijHarbWalk 1.80b 23 65V4 54. aieeis ana motor declined in a mixed stock market today.

Trading was the lightest oi the week. Market statistics were a bit on the downside. Volume tapered off to 4.45 484- Vi 25 100 30 v4 334 544-lVj 63'4- '4 32' 2- 23. V4 274 V. 107..

V4 113 -1 Alco Prod 20g 16 164 Aldew 1.20b 11 794 2.40 Pen KK 4 65 11 Pen RR 44 81 4 Pen RR 44 84 7 Pen RR 34s 85 15 99 98 4 99 4 "3 734 734i 73 724 73 .1 564 564 564. 20-s 15 13 10'4 114 Conde Nat 36 ii" II 2 iCone.Mills .80 13 34 374- Oneoleum 11 million snare Jrom $4.98 million yes terday. .70 128i, 1231, 12W- 3 251 4 25 25 6 3U, 31 311. 4 13 84W g3i, 84 i4 2 194 19. 25 197, 1.

19' '4 97 8'-4 8 8 28 9 9-4 9s- -i 86 27- 26 27. -I7. I 5 26-4 25 2i'- Vj, 3 44W 44', 4413- Vi 29 237 23. 4 I 30 69 67 67-4-l'4 13 567 554 56 -l1 16 32i 32 32 60 18V, lg 18'4 24 4H4 407, 41 Vi 14 3. 3H 3H I 50 6 55 57- '4 6 147 14-i 14H- l4 5 34 334 33-.

26 447 437. 437- 1. .50 1057, 1057, 105'n- .39 80-i4 SOU 80f4- V4 .10 7417 74 741-2 .30 70'4 704 704-1 4 24 24 11 49 48n 38 112'-. 1113. Alleg Cp 05g 46 Alleg 6 pf .60 2 ndiua 1111 i.u ij D4-4 0.14 HarascoCp 1.40 30 33 32 Harshaw Ch 1 9 234 23W 1 Hart 1.20 1 274 I Hat Corp 87f 7 11 107 Haveg Ind 56 1171-4 111 13" 10Hi 48' i 374 Soeastn PS 92 12 20 20 20 Phil El 4s 86 14 994 994 99.

15 447-a 44W 44'a Alleg Lud 2 32 704 694 701. i ConCigar 1.20a The major steel and motor were down unanimously. A decline in auto NY Central 2 NY 21 15 '4 134- V. 10Vi. Vi, 48 v.

79 1-4 104 Vi 37H- i 40 Vs 22'-. 'b 45 44 Phil El 2467 30 9i 92 4 924 Philco. 4484 25 10.14 in2 1034 4' Alleg Pw 10 13 Allen Ind 1 20 3 Haveg Ind wi 54 47'4 45 46 18" SouthernCo 1 50 45 57i, 564 Sou Ind CI. 70 2 44 43't 44 -l1, SruNGas 2 69 45H 44W 44'4. i ConEdis 3 31 79W 784 JS.

7 jConEdis pf5 1104 104 iConEIInd 1 17 37Mi 37H 11 ConFoods 1.20b 20 40" mi ny 14Vi Allied Ch 1.80 26 59V4 18s 58 W4 14 '4 48 Hayes Ind 8 14s. Heinz 1 IS 60- i He Curt A .70 85 557s Allied Kid 1 12 147s 224 234. 120 23 "-4 48 Vi 514 514 20 -j-4 i onl annri 1 9fia 995 Sou Ry 2 80 8 8'4 Allied Mtllt 2 7 Allied Pd 20p 6 Allied Strs 3 9 9 9i 18: 184 Sou Ry pf 1 7 184 22s. 57' 4 337 59 5214 37', 35 19V4 91 56'i 554 32. Am FP 5s2030 19 68 4 66 4 684 -J Am FP 4 80s87 52 63 61 63 2 324 Se( PS 88 11 324 o'i 34'-4 69 o4i- 377- 35 Vi 19 v-4- V4 917s.

110 i Helme 1.60a 4 38 xHelmepf 1.75 2.00 35 Hercul Mot 3 -194 Here Pdr 41 92 xAliiedSt pf 3.10 834 82V 56'n. I ConsolnCoal 1.40 31 34'4 ConsumPw 2 60 31 69'4 2aV- vfonPw nf4 50 1 10 9fii 29. 294- 68 '4 -24 Snalding If 2 29 Spart Ind .60 22 444 Allis Chal 1.50 92 25 25 NisMPw 1.80 xNiaMpf 5 25 xNiaMpf 3.90 xNiaMpf 3 60 xNiaMpf 3.40 Niag Shr 1.20 Nopco lb NorfiWest 4a 44', 444 95H 954. V. 110 xilercPdr pf 5 .10 110 104 11 4 AmMFcv4i.s81 46 142 140 140 AmOcv 4.40s80 16 1254 125 125 Am TiT 583 29 105 1044 105 AmTiT 485 79 99 98'.

99 SpartonCp 282 114 Allis Ch pf 4.08 3 103 103 103 Alpha PC 25 32V4 314 32 Fersh Choc 3a 4 1514 150 151 37 Sen (. hem 1 40 33 364 364-91 91 Hart. 1.20 42 614 64Mi 64 241. 4 524 53 v. 106 107 .1 39'4 4OV4 37.

374- Alum Ltd 115 38V4 xSpen Chnf4 20 .10 -74 91 20 AmTiTcv4i4s73 4 333 33i 3.1 Container 1 46 24 ContBak 2.20 17 534 xCtBak pf 5.50 1.10 107 ContCan 1.80 54 xCtCan pf 3,75 2.00 82W ContCopiS 34 10. 71 724 4 Alcoa 1.20 65 73 194- 4 Spen Kell 80 12 l4- 4 Am TiT 34s90 12 91 904 Hew Robins 1 3 26 Hewlett Pk 1764 44 HeydenNpt 46 284 Amerace lb 32 Soerrv Rd 240 26 26. 43 43 274 27, 101-i 10' 4 '4 4 Vi Li Vi 82V2 82'-j 93 82'4 744 81 -7 49 84 834 83'- Vi Amerada 2 60 23'4. l4 27 -1 1 4 4 5 4 I 555- 4 Sper Rd pf 4.50 266 964 1 0s- '4 10V, Am Ag Ch 1 60 7 31s 31Mi 53 -14 1 2 23' 4 23' 4 Norris Th .90 229 28'. 25 NoAmAv 2 71 46s 45' NoAmCar 1.40 15 557.

xNorCentral 4 .70 68 68 NorNGas 1.40 6 38. 394 824 824- 874 874-14 824 824- 4 78 4 78.. Sniegel 1.50b 83 544 pfl.2a 2 2 194 314 954 53 83 364 604 76-4 Am TiT 34s84 42 824 Am TiT 6 874 Am TiT 75 24 824 Am TiT 2480 20 784 Am TiT 9. s82 10 77 88 41. 41 41.

294 29. 294 Contlns 2.20 Am Airline 1 132 21V4 zivs zi4. Am Baker 2 40 19 43i 42V4 68 xSp eeel pf4.50 .30 88 Square la 37 37 V. 37 4 604 Vi 77 77 -1 52 614 21 10 22 60 7 524 5 Contbil 1.60a 614 21' 44b Am Bosch 83 22Vi AmBrkSh 2.40 27 45V4 Hill Cp 8 Hilton Hot 1.50 21 Hilton pf 1.37 2 Hoff Elect 125 Holland .60 5 Holly Sug 1.40 1 Holt 7 Homestk 1.60a 12 Honolu Oil 2 73 xNoNGaspf5.80 .30 112'i 112W 10' 4 21 6Hi 97. 5914 52 52 31 7 4 361 9 Am TiT 2s86 10 734 73 4 734 4 rnnt fl 1 77 21 '4 61- Vi 97.

60 '4 52 14 52 4 11 361. 8 914 184 34 Am Bd Par lb 35 60 58'n .20 1074 1074 107 xNoNGaspf5.50 .80 1.06. 106 106 154- 1 24 V. 1078 31V, 65 4474 84i-i Cont Stl 1.60a 154 154 60 Va 87- Vi 39'- '4 Am Cbl .30 31 9. 8 4 54 54 Nor Pac 2.20 58 43 424 427s- Controls Am .80 10 CoopBess 1.60 9 394 54 424 554 437 32 3 2 V4 424 55 37 37Vi Am Can 2 137 40' Am Can pf 1.75 3 37'4 Am Chain 2.50 3 497 AmChicle 1 60a 11 834 52.

32'-4 36 9V. 45'i 36 i 84 .1 Hooker Ch 1 20 36 84 Std Brand 160 13 xStdBrdpf 3.50 .80 StdFinan .50 13 Std GiE nl 2 Std Kolls 170 SldOiKal 2 54 StdOillnd 1.40b 56 StdOilNJ 55g 406 StdOilOh 2.50 9 Stand Pkg 78 StdPkl 20pfl.20 14 StriPk6ofl 20 7 544. 4 18 Vt 74' 4 74 4 4 13 148 41 14 494 494- Vi 82V4 i 22 Vt 22 Vi V4 47 Coop CopperRng Copeld Ref 1 Copw Stl 2 CornPd wi 604 NorStaPw 1 18 25 32V4 x.NS Pwpf4.08 .10 84 xNS Pwpf3.60 .30 744 Northrop 1-60 63 624 Nwst Airlin 80 80 24V4 Nwst Air pfl.31 7 29 NwStllW 1 2 304 554 544 474 544 254 31 output was reported. Bethlehem Steel, which gave quarterly results after the close, followed the trend of other steelmaker in failing to report enough income to cover dividends. While gain and losses of most key stocks were small, there was an assortment of wide moves either way.

Amerace, which is planning to acquire Swan Rubber, spurted 7 points. Texas Instruments was up 5. On the American Stock Exchange, Perfect Photo soared 9-4 to 524 on news that it has a new film which can be processed either as black-and-white or coior prints. Kerr-McGee Oil, with stockholder approval of the 2-for-l split obtained, fell 24. The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 2.64 to 679.54.

The Associated Press average of 60 stocks declined .20 to 242.90 with industrials oft .90, rails off .10 and Utilities up .20. Fairchild Engine was the most active stock, up Vi at 114 on .84,400 shares. Second was McCrory up 1 at 234 on 82,400 shares. Third was Wel-bilt, off Mi at 64 on 60,100 shares. Losses of about a point -were taken by such stocks as Johns-Manville, Re-.

public Steel, Chrysler, Raytheon, American Telephone and Brunswick. Eastman Kodak fell 14. Martin Co. rose 14 and Republic Aviation, helped by recordearnings and a new engine for interplanetary propulsion, held a gain of Vi. American Stock Exchange price 'were ahead on balance.

Hudson Vitamin rose 44. Atlantic Research 4. Technicolor 34. Barnes Engineering 2s and Giannini Controls 24. Padding-.

ton fell 54, Aerojet-General 3 and Molybdenum 14. Volume was 3.54 million shares compared with 3.26 million yesterday. Corporate bonds were mixed to! light trading. U.S. government bonds showed little change.

43'4 44 V4 36 36. AmCBarge 1 20 19 22 548 4 21. 23421-4 23V, 23s- V4 10's 10H Vi 31 1 4 31Vi. 14 644 65 .1 44. 444- 83 834- 35VJ V4 88 88 224 5V4 54 Vt 17V4 17V4- 4 17.

17H- V4 44 44 V4 79 79 .1 99 99 .1 1314 144 20. 204 Vi 537. 544.1 54'-4 54V4- Vi 44Vi 44'. Am Lvan 1 60 123 44 Am Tob 3s 62 42 1004 100 100'- 4 Am Tob 3s 69 1 944 944 944 AnheusBus 3s77 1 884 884 884 ArmcoStl 4.3584 5 98H 984 98-414 Armour 5s 84f 57 96 95 96 .1 Assoclnv 3s62 12 994 994 994 Atchison 4s 95st 1 884 884 884- V4 AtlRefcv44s87 169 1214 1204 1214. 4 Avco Mf cv 579 83 175 172 4 1724 -4 Bit 1 1294 1294 1294- 4 BiOcv 442010 36 80 79 4 794- 4 B4tOcv44s2010A 30 664 66 664 4 BiO 44 95 8 701, 70 704 4 i fl 5 8ft 10 714 71 71 -14 24.

48 '4 4714 47 39 Am Distill 1 13 42V4 41V4 42V4.1 4814.1 954.18 29 4 4 3014- 4 29 3014 308- 4 Corn Pd 2.40 95 944 AmElPw 1 88b 31 66 65i 66'4. V4 31 314 Norwich Ph 1 8 58V4 57V4 584. IVi 514 47 54 24 'i 304 31 274 31 134 194 53 15 274. i StdPressStl 30 284 0 31 Stan War 1.20 19 31W 134 xHookChpf 4.25 .30 89V4 Hoov Ball .60 11 23 Hotel Cp Am 14 5i Hotel Cp pf 1.25 1 17V4 Houd Ind lb 5 174 HousehFinl.20b 17 44 xHouseFpf 3.75 .10 79 Houst LiP 1.60 15 99 Howard Str 13 14 Howe Snd lt 132 21. Hud Bay 3 30 55 Hunt Fds 21 547.

xHuntFpf A 5 2.30 97 xHuntF pfB 5 .60 984 Hupp Cp 319 11 Hupp Cp pf 2.50 2 37 Huss Refr lb 4 134- 4 194 4 Am Enka 13 244 244 24 Va AmExport 43 23V4 21. 22V4.1V4 Am Pw .50 153 12 10. 12 Am Hardw 1.20 8 274 27 27 V4 Am Home 3 60a 33 2164 210V4 Am Hospit .65 21 102 100 101Vt Vi Am. Hosp wf 33 34 33'4 34 Vi 384- 4 924. 4 95 CorningGl 1.50a 19 I8IV4 180'! CosdenPet 1 59 28i 28..

V4 Cotylnc 3 18-4 18'i 18 '-4- Vs Coty lntl 50 8'4 7H 77- Vi CraneCo 2 31 65'4 63Va 65'ilV Crm of Wh 1.60a 3 454 45 45 -1 Crescet Pet 14 234 2374 V4 Cresct pf 1.25 1 29 29 29 '4 CrowColl 1.37t 70 464 454 454- a4 194 534 53 -1 Slanray 10 xStarrett LS 80 1 Stauff Ch 1.20b 7 Sterchi Br 1 1 Sterl Drue 1.80 74 424- 15 4 944.14 15 96 96 4 97 Ohio Edisl.48 12 39'4 38H xOh Ed pf4.44 .40 924 924 xOh Ed pf4.40 1.40 95 944 Ohio Oill.60b 12 424 424 OklaGlE 1.20 8 33 374 Okla GiE pf.80 3 17'4 17 OklaNGas 1.40 3 364 364 Olin Math 1 50 434 434 Olin .50 7 19. 19. 1.20 5 50'4 497, 9634 984 27 Stevens JP 1 50 31 274 274 98 i '4 3734 V4 174 4 364 4 434- 4 CrowRt 1242 1 3 16 1 1 32 1 1 '32-5 31 254- 104-1 Stew War 1.40 16 264 CrownCork 274- 21 814 78'4 71-i-2V4 104 37 19V4 37 -1 Stix Bi-F 120 1 z4 z'-4 Am ice id 11 zo-a Am Intl log 1 164 164 164 Vi Am Inv 1 7 22 214 22 xAm In pf 5.25 .10 102 102 102 4 V4 Am Fdy 1 60 50 117 1134 1134-2'4 Am Fdy wi 31 584 57 57 -1V4 Am Mch 1.60 4 41 40'4 41 4 V4 Am Met CI 1.40 78 294 284 284- V2 CrownCk pf 2 1 42. 42H 42-1. i 19i 50 4 StokeVanC 129 28 4 27 4 StokeVCrf 1 4 19 19 1 )' -J 79 Otis Elev 1.50 9 71 794 CrownZell 1 80 17 56V4 55V4 56V4.

4 xCrownZ pf4.20 .10 914 914 914- '4 CrucStl .80 26 22 21. 214- 654 654 4 3 2 6oi 23 i 234 22i Outb Ma 80 84 32 32 i Idaho Pw 1.80 8 Ideal Cem .80 43 xOutlet 6.50 20 tubAmSug I 181 601-4 26'4 38 14 Am Met Pd 1 24 I6V4 16 16'4 Vi 18Vj 18ij-1114 11 84 84 276 276 .1 5914 60V4.1V4 25Mi 377 V4 74V4 Cudahv Pk 32 11. Vi 111 Cent 2 28 111 Pw 2.20 4 Cudahy pf4.50 1 71'4 71V4 36 PhlpsPcv4487 96 125 1244 125 4 4 PCC i SL 5s75 1 88 88 88 Pub SEG 3 63 2 97 4 974 97H Vi Repub Stl 4885 5 99 99 99 Ren Tob 3s 73 1 89 89 89 RochGiE 1 914 914 9IU-1H' KohrAcv54s 77 420 140 135 4 1'741H 4 SU.SF 52006f 11 6R 684 884- 1 67 674 674- 4 StL SF 4s 97 5 69 68 684-. ScottPapcv 3s71 13 1374 1364 14 Scovill 4482 15 97 97 97 4 4 SeabFin. 5480 5 1024 1024 1024 SeatsRoe 4.83 66 103 1024 103 SeaiRAc4s77 10 1014 1014 1014 SearsHAc44s77 12 98 4 98 RH SeiberRubcv 579 1 89 89 89 56 1284 1274 1274 Sinclaircv4as86 31 106V 105, SmthCrcv5V4s79 17 137 1.15 135 Vi Socony 24s76 10 81 83 83 SoBellTT 3s7S 18 84 4 84 4 844 So Pac 54s 83 6 1024 1024 1024-114 So Pac 44s 69 1 994 994 994- 4 So Pac 44s ,81 6 89 88-4 884- SoPacOr 44-177 9.1.

934 93.. SwBellT 2485 3 74 744 4 Spiegel cv 5 84 29 184 1824 1824-24 Sid Cal 483 8 994 994 99- StdOInd 4483 13 100 99 4 100 4 4 Std01ndev3482 65 1244 1244 1244- Std NJ 24S74 10 85, 85 85 Std NJ 24s71 20 85 85 83 T-u-v Talcott cv 5s 79 19 180 180 180 Tex Corp 3s 65 6 97 4 97 4 974 1 TexiP 3483 12 764 764 764 22 136 136 136 -1 UnGasCp 5480 5 103 103 103 4 I'nGasCp 4HS78 1 984 984 Hh4- 4 UnGasCp 4s72 4 100 100 100 .1 UnGasCp 44s78 10 984 984 98H 4 lSFrghl5s81wt 103 114 114 114 -1 US Steel 4s 83 22 95 94 4 95 4 Vanad cv 4476 2 97 97 97 4 Vendo cv 4480 65 162 159 162 .3 1 Virg Ry 3s 95 5 75 75 75 V4 Wabash 44. 91 3 78 78 78 Wabash 4s 81 4 774 774 77i WPen 31366 2 984 984 984. 4j Shore 4S2361 20 544 534 534- WShore42361ieg 4 534 53 53 Westchl.t 3467 2 97 97 97 WheelStl 34s70 1 92 4 92Vi 924 Whirl Cp 34 80 6 84 84 84 -1 Wis Cen 442004 2 60 4 60V4 604 Foreign: Austral 54s 79 1 1004 1004 1004- 1 Austral S'-4S 80 30 974 97 974 Austral 5s 72 2 1004 Mo'i IO04 Austral Ss 87 2 97? 96 4 974-14 Austral 44 73 2 96 944 96 .14 Austral 44 67 17 914 91V 914- 4 Austrl3.62 10 99 13 32 99 13-32 99 13 32 Austria 54 73 2 994 99 99 -4 Belgium 54 72 1 1024 1024 1024- Brazil 8s 41 3 964 94 9M4. anada 2.

75 1 81 81 61 -1 hile 6s Jan olf 1 914 914 914 Chile 3s 93 6 4.54 444 444- Creditron54s79 10 10.H4 102-4 IO34.I4 Cuba 41, 77 1 52 52 52 4 Denmark S4s74 7 101 1004 101 4 Germany 54 69 2 1014 101 101 .1 Germany 5s 80 29 102 1014 1014. 1H Germany 4s 72 5 87 4 87 4 874-24 HighAulh 54.75 1 1014 1014 1(114- 4 Hih Auth 580 2 100 4 1004 High Auth 5s 78 10 96 4 96 4 961,4 Vi Ital Con 3 77 1 744 74 4 74'4 Ital Rep 3s 77 2 76 4 76 4 764 Japan 64s 54xf 13 O0i 100, 1004. V4 Japan 54s 74 5 944 944 944.1 KLMcv 4.s79 10 98 97 4 87 4 4 NewZeal 54s70 2 102 102 1 02 4 711-2- Vi 36 747- 19'4 90 94 32 934 16 Am Meter 2b 4 52V4 52V4 v4 AmMolas 80 38 18H 174 184. l-i Am Motor 1 20 502 194 18V4 18V4- 4 20 4 904 944-1 32 934.1 16 lh4 v4 284- 13-. 13H- V4 xlll Pw pf 2.33 .40 48V4 48V4 48Vj- V4 Owens Cng 1 11 91 Owenslll G12.50 29 984 Oxford Pap 1 8 324 xOxf Pap pf5 .20 934 PacAmFish lg 4 164 1 6 164 BethStlcv34s80 17 149" 1494 1494-14 Beth Stl 24s70 5 884 884 884 Boeingcv 44s80 55 117 116 117 Bosi-Me 6s67 1 35 Vi 354 354 4 Bos ir Me 6s 65 44 44 41'.

42 -24 BosiMe 44s70f 2 16i 16 164 4 Bwickcv44sB1 38 1624 155 155 -64 Burghscv44s81 20 1164 116 1164 4 Can South 5s6? 5 1614 1014 1014 CanPac 4s pcrp 5 764 764 764 CapAirlcv4476 9 924 904 91 CapAirc44sct76 8 91 904 904.1 Case cv 54s 83 31 92 914 92 4 4 Case 34s 78 2 74 74 74 -1 Celanese 3s 65 6 95 4 95 95 CenGa44sB2020f 2 62 62 62 4 CenlllLtcv4Vs74 5 1164 116'i 1164. V4 CenRRNJ34s87 13 38 37. 374 CerdePcv54s79 95 1204 1174 120 24 Chadcv5.90s71xw 2 1044 1044 1044-3 ChmpPcv44s84 10 1124 1124 1124. 4 Chi Bi-O 3485 1 80 80 80 rhiFTinrrv5s97f 414 41 41 28 194 194- 33 14 331-4- Indiana Gen .60 21 4n 44 44V, Storer Brd 1.80 9 32 Stud Pak 399 84 xStudPackpf 5 .50 297 Suburb Gas .44 21 364 SuburbProp 1 12 54 28 Sun Chem 60 21 194 Sun Oil lb 8 53 Surbeam 1.40a 11 46'4 Sundstrard lb 36 244 Sunrav 1.40 128 274 Sunray pfA 1.12 8 24 Sunray 2 pf 1 .65 9 344 Am Ga 3 24 974 95 95 -2 Am Gas wi 9 39Vi 38V4 38V4 11V4 528 53 Indpls 1.90 2 574 164 7 454- i ind El Mex 2 7 cuneo Press .80 1 13. CunnDrug 1 60a 4 34'i CurtisPub' 88 11.

CurPub 4 pfl.50p 3 444 CurP 1.60 pf.30p 4 I6V4 CurtissVVr 1 250 2OI4 CurtissWA 2 17 35 CutlerH 2 4 684 204- 4 58V4 Vi 7 19'-4- Vi 79 444- '4 194 234-1' Indust Ray 75 20V4 44 16 194 34 11U Vi 44 16 i 197.. s. 35 .1 68 24 274. 4 80V, 79', 45H 444 454 234 274 24 334 109 65 4 Pac Coast le 34 204 204 Pac Ct-t pfl.25 2 24 24 Pac Fin 2.60 18 65 4 65 2.80 54 784 774 Pac Ltg 2.404 26 554 54. 24 Ing Rand 3a xd 5 Inland Stl 1.60 17 Inspir Cop 47 Averages 52 34 Vi.

4 528 51 68 78 .4 5474- 414- 42V, 42V4 42V4- Vi lnsuran ctt 1 109 .1 Sunsh Bis 4.40 1 liw Am News 1 15 44 43 43 Am Optica. 2 7 65V4 64 64 -1 Am Photo .75 20 128 124V4 1264- Mi Am Photo wi 54 43 42 42V4- Vi Am Potash 1 20 28 54 534 54 .1 AmResrch 12 374 36Mi 364-1 Am Seat I 60 8 42' 42Mi 424- xAmShpBd 15h 3 224 22'4 224 Am Smelt lg 44 66'i 65V4 65V4-1 xAmSmlt pf 7 2.30 142'4 142Mi 142W- V4 Am Snuff 2 80a 2 66V, 66V4 66V4- 414 Pac 1.14 22 42 Interchem 1.40 11 43. 43 43 -IV. By Dow Jones Stork Open High Low Close Chg. Sunsh Mn .20 101 84 74 'i DanRivM .80 19 144 14 xPac TiT pf6 .10 1594 1594 1594-14 xSuoOilCal.50e .50 1245 1243 1245-10 36 Vi 144 ,4 'i 15 V4 7 7-4 74 Pac Tin 24 160a 53 444 434 34 Interlak Ir 1.60 16 26.

25V4 25Vi- 7. Int Bus Mch 3 40 716 713V4 715 4V4 Int Bus wi 15 479V4 478 478 Int Karv 2.40 22 52 514 514- Vi 15 30 Indus. 681.39 686.76 675.78 679.54-2.64 20 Rails 141.93 142 62 141.19 141.74-0 19 J5 Utils. 112.02 112.45 111.21 111.73-0.16 Svm Wav .80 102 154 144 154 267i V4 20' i 174 18 204-14 174- 4 184. 4 48 -24 Dana Cp 2 17 37 Dayco 12 154 Daystrom 28 261,.

Dayt 2.40 14 71V4 DayPL wi 3 24 DeccaRec 1.20 110 45V4 Deere 2 35 577 xlntHarv pf 7 1.20 149V4 147W 119Vi.l-i ChiEIU 5s2045f 1 AmFAfric 22 20V4 19. 24'4 244 724 724 704 704- 4 23'. 237-- Vi 4414 45Vi.l -5 Stocks 227.56 229.00 225.88 227.02-0.51 Transactions in stocks used in 48 214 184 188 504 834 38i 394 Pack Bell 23 PanAmSul 1 45 PanAWAir .80 83 Panh EPL 1.80 39 ParamPict 2 34 Parke Da la 91 Parmelee 2 int i.Mner 1.60 14 47' 47Vi 45 "4 14 14 Vi 3P4 31i. Vi 324 3214 4 244 4 724- 4 20 304 4 514- 4 20 20 Talcott new 16 46 45 Tandy Cp 9 84 ft Telautogr 64 154 Tenn Cp 1.40h 35 634 62 564 57? 8 154-1 824 8241 38. 4 38-4 394 4 734 7441 Int Mining 2 32v4 Int Nick 1.60 83 74.

Int Pack .80 18 19V4 Int Paper 1.05 171 32 Am Std .80 66 14Mi Am Sll Fd 1 60 38 32' Am Stores 2b 84 Am Sugar 1.60a 9 33 Am Su Df 1.75 3 33'4 30' i 514 16? V4 834 834- 32'i '4 184 184- i Del Hud 16 167. Del P4L 1.20 6 48Mi 63 i nrlustrials 337,700 fails 78,300 I'tilit'ea 42,000 15 Stocks 458,000 48 14 48U- V4 Chi 4s 88 8 ChilL 44s2003f 2 Chi IAL 4s 83f 1 CMSPP 520551 30 CMSPPv442044 30 ChiWcv44s9Sf 11 ChiUnSta 34s63 2 ChiWInd 4s82 1 24 24 Patino Min 4 574 58 4 V4 234 33 33 Vi 31--B 32 4 104 104- 62 484 46H 304 52 581 514 98 984 T.nn Has 1.1Z BJ ZJ'8 Int R.vs Am 6 IOV4 PeabodyCoal.48 22 27 i- 1031. 1024 1034 "4 33 32Vj 31 31V4-1V4 Texaco 2.60a AmTelTel 3 30 144 125b 122T-4 123V4- Am Toh 2.80 39 81V4 794 81 i 25 xlnt R.vs pf PeaboCalpfl.25 1 Bonds 40 58 4 58 4 584 35 324 314 314-1 19 19 184 I87. 4 514 Close Chg TexGTran 1.50 10 374 364 374 4 TexGProd .60 18 364 364 364- 4 ueltaAirL 1.20 Dent Sup la 1 DeSotoCh DetEdis 2.20 DetStlCp la DeVilbiss 1.60 22 14 514 514 4 98 98 4 14 98 i 984- l4 95 95 -14 994 994 94 94 4 Vi 24 40 39 4 39 4- 4 1214 53Vi 14 1V4 534. 4 95 Cin GiE 44s87 2 4 Penn Dix 1 40 29 284 Penn Frt 60a 81 204 15 537i 20 184 5 86.21.0 20 18 V4 18-n CIT Fin 4'4s71 19 994 PIT Kin 3s70 1 94 Tex Sul 1 ii- Ins 69 2004 195 198 T.ri--n 90 22 31 4 304 31 PenneyJC" 1 20a 69 394 40 Bonds 10 Higher grade rails (0 Second grade rails 0 Public utilities 10 Industrials 2 314 31V4 314 6 1064 102 104 -4 5 364 364 364.

4 14 96 89 89 -24 38 3214 294 30 78 58 4 57 4 574- Vi int Kectit Int Resist Int Salt lg Int Shoe 1.80 Int Silver 3 Int Silver wi Int 1 Int Util 1.40 Int Util pf 2 Pennsalt 52 394 r-iti Sve 3 77 5 824 824 824 4 DiamAlk 1.80b 35 67 Tev PI. Tr .452 10 22 4 21. 66 67 22 85 38 xAm Tob pf 6 90 126V4 125i 125V4- 4 Am Viscose 2 31 46 454 45V4- V4 Am Wks 1 9 254 25'4 25V- Vi Am Zinc 4 154 15. 15y AMP Inc .90 41 102'4 100 101V4 V4 Ampex Cp 237 25'. 244 25 Amp Borg 1 40 20 454 44'4 Anaconda 50g 201 60T4 594 594 V4 xAna WC 4.30 41 40 40'4 Vi Anch HG 1.40 30 43V4 424 43V4 CCCSL 44s 77 28 72 72 72 4 V4 -2 Pa Sand 1 24 125 9 DiamNat 1.60 27 45V4 45 45Vi tTpv-Psc Rv 4 .30 85 85 304 Commodity futures index 146.17 up 65 4 65 4 654 CCCiSL 4s 93 6 984 994-24 994 13 444 434 444 264 254 51 284 19 394 384 37 304 97 '4 96 14 41 804 43 524 78'-4 16.

884 1.10 98 41. 81 81 81 CCCSL 4s 90 SL 1 25 2 46 Vi 46 4 464 xPaPl-Lpf 4.40 .10 964 264 ColoFcv 9 107 106i 1064- "4 258-14 284- 304 4 284 904 Vi 14-4 904 224 By AssorlatPd Pres 30 IS 15 60 Tex Util 2 08 in lextron 1.25 114 Textron pf 1.25 1 Thatch 1.40 78 Thiokol 62t 87 Thomp JR .60 19 ThomD RW 1.40 14 Pa RR 101 Peoples Drug 2 1 Peoples Gas2.60 18 224- 4 5114 4 40V 4OV4 404. V. 41 81 Ander Clayt 2 6 43 30 4 29 4 434 424 22 21 InterstDStr 1.20b 7 914 Interst Pw .95 6 224 1.80 5 514 Iowa 111 1.90 1 444 Iowa P4-L 1.60 6 414 51 Indus. R.R.

Util. Stks ..2 444 444 .30 43i 214. 4 704- 4 704 70 41 41 Vi 40V4 394 394- i 454 45 458. IVi 73V4 72V4 504 49'4 49- 4 53 24 264- 4 254- 4 51 -1 284. 4 204.14 394.

14 334- 4 374- '4 304- 4 98 4 964 14V4 4 41 4 81-4 434.14 524 78'4-lH 164. 4 884-1 4 4 44V4- 4 414- 34 59414 314- 4 994 824. '4 30-4-' 4 62 -34 214- 4 664. Vi 90 -14 Arch Dan 2 5 Argo Oil 1 20b 10 Armio Stl 3 28 Armour Co 1.40 84 352.5 121.3 126.3 242.9 Pepsi Cola 1.40 21 86 .1 86 IslCrkCoal 1.50 27 25. 244 xThomnRWpf 4 .10 86 244-14 4 294- 4 DiamNat pfl.60 27 45Vj 45 4514 i Dia Nat pf 1.50 2 31V4 31V4 31V4 DianaStr 1 17 I814 177i- DiGiorpio .60 2 174 17.

174 DinersClub 1.12t 92 23 22V. 22.14 Disney .40 23 44'i 42 42 -14 DisCSeag 1.20a 16 38V4 37V4 38V4 5,8 DivcoWay 9 1714 17'4 1714- Vi DrPepper .60 12 21i 2IV2 21 V4 DomMin .70 11 22 V4 22 22 -4 Domin Fd 16 22 Vi 22 22 Vi Doug Aire 39 334 324 324- ''4 DoverCp 7 174 17V4 17. Vi DowChm 1.40b 106 73 7214 72V4 Dreslnd 1.20 28 244 2414 24 Vi Drewrys 1.60 6 3478 34V4 3474 4 DuBoisCh 21 22. 224 22V4 Vi Dunhill 4 13i 13 13 'i ITECktBrk 33 19 18. K--L- 794 164 894 44 25 353.4 121.4 126.1 243.1 355.2 120.7 125.4 243.3 351.0 125.8 126.2 243.5 311.2 116.7 99.0 210.2 29'4 254 234 Thor Tool 1 Tidcwat Oil lt 44 TidoOilpf 1.20 6 TimkRR 2.40 11 Perkin i Petrol Cp 5 Pfaud Per 1.40 5 Pfeiffer Br 5 Pfaud Per wi 2 Pfizer 126 Net change Thursday Prev.

day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1961 high 1961 low I960 high I960 low 4 Armst Ck 1 40a 29 56H Armst Rub 1.40 7 41V4 xArnold 50t- 1.00 16 Aro Equip 1 15 33V4 294 25 234 534 26 24 Jaeger Mch 7 164 164 534 544 55 -14 40. 41 14 16 16 321-4 324- 4 254 26 4 Vi 27Vi 27V4. V4 360.7 130.0 127.5 246.6 444 44'i 234- 4 534- 4 264 4 24-4 164 4 17 82 -1V4 62 41. 414 Tish Real 20 264 Toledo Ed .70 13 244 164 82 614 Arvin Ind 1 61 Ashland Oil lb 77 277. 274 319.5 112.2 111 8 219 4 354.9 136.2 112.7 233.9 296.4 103.0 96.6 202.6 75 604 58.

Phelps 3 PYhil El 2.24 4 614 614 424 424 424 64V, 64'4 64 4-1 Ashland of 1 50 9 45V4 45 6.514 654-14 93 94 4 24 Torring Co 1.60a 8 Trac SupA 1 4 Trane Co 6 Tran Air 47 45i4 4 79 V4 106 1 884 Norway 54 73 1 994 994 994 4,, Jeff Lak 36 174 4 1.70 834 Jewel Tea 1.40 9 62 Johns Man 2 67 674 John John 1 7 944 Jon Logan .70 20 23? Jones 2.50 53 654 Jorgensen 1 7 174 Joy Mfg 2 5 424 Kaiser Al .90 11 444 STANnARn AND POOR'S AssdDGood 2.50 3 79 79 xADG pf 5.25 .10 106 106 Assoc Inv 2 60 8 67'4 67 Phila El wi 10 314 304 Ph El pf 4.40 .10 994 99-U xPh El pf3.80 .30 824 824 Ph El pref st 3 304 304 Norway 4s 63 2 164 994 Net 87 874. 164 168 4 34 34 4 344 344. 4 674. Vi Transamcr .80 54 344 High Low Close Chg 491 Industrial 69.89 68.86 69.22-. 11 Atchison 20a 114 244 24V4 24i duPont 1.50g duPont pf 4.50 duPont pf3.50 Transit.ron 57 354 234 65 174 41 Vi 44 106 991, 99', 99 98 994 994 76 76 98 98 234- V4 65 4 174 4 414- 44-4 106 -2 36 2071,4 206V4 207 V4 3 100 100V4 IOO'4-I 1 797.

797. 797-8- Vi 20 28ii 28 28 3 Orient 6s 63st 9 Oslo 54 75 2 SaoI'auC B52st 1 So Italy 54 74 2 41 414- 99 'i 78 98 4 99'- Vi Tri Cont 30. 23 424 PhiliRdg lb 218 654 61 PhUro 1 58 22 214 xPhilco pf3.75 .50 664 664 PhiliD Mor 3.60 15 92 90 UuqLt 1.18 554 554 554 4 25 Railroads 32.50 32.15 32.37. .14 50 Utilities 59.33 58.60 58.88-.03 500 Stocks 66.07 65.13 65.46-.09 Kais pf 4.12 3 106 344 34 4 34 4 4 TokvoEL 663st 18 100 994 47 47 47 Kais nc pf 2.37 1 Tri Cont pf2.70 2 Truax Tra 1.60 2 Tung Sol 19 TwcntCen 1.60 55 28 Vi xuuq4.15 piz.07 .50 45V4 45V4 45V4 Duq 4 pf2 2.60 42U 42Vi 42 V4 Vi DWGCig .80 46 23V4 21 23 2'i UnSo Af 5468 5 884 884 884 824 824 824- 4 Atchison pf 50 17 lOVi 10 io1-. Atl City El 1.20 3 414 41V4 414 Atl Cst Lin 2a 6 44 43V4 43V4- Atl Ref in 2 241 56'4 55i 5642 xAtl Rf pf 3 75 50 82'4 82'-4 82'4.

4 Atlas Cp 49 34 3 34 Atlas Cp pf 1 7 14 14 14 Atlas Pdr 2 40 9 119'4 118V, 1184- 4 Aust Nich 13 21'4 20Vj 204 xPhil Mor pf4 .10 Phlll Pet 1.70 78 52 4 ColumGas 54s82 2 1064 106 106 Colum Ga 5s 82 1 1024 1024 1024- ColumGas 47s83 9 102 4 102 4 1024 ColumGas4as81 13 99 98 98 44 "4 ColumGas 4S3 6 97H 97H 974- V4 Colum 1 84 84 84 -3 ComEnv38s81 48 121 1194 1194-14 Comw Ed 3s 77 19 844 841, 84. Comw Ed 3s 99 5 754 75 4 754- i ConEdis 54s89 13 1064 105, 1064 4 Con Edis 5s 87 3 1054 1054 1034-1 ConEdis 4486 13 974 974 974- 4 Con Edis 4s 88 2 944 944 9.4- 4 Con Edis 72 3 85 85 85 -3 Con Edis 24s77 5 784 78i 78i Electrodvn cv 44s 84 36 171 170 170 -2 ConsuPw 489 10 1017i 1fll7i 1014.14 ConsuPcv4s75 3 120 119 119 4 ConsuPw 24s75 5 83 4 834 834 4 Cont Bak 3s 65 7 954 95 4 954 CopwStlcv 579 20 1074 1074 1074- V4 CornProd 4s83 1 101 101 101 Curtis Pub 6s86f 30 964 964 964- 4 DavtP4I.2V.s75 10 83 4 83 4 834-1 "4 Del Hud 4s 63 8 99 99 99 4 Vi Det Edis 3s 70 15 91 91 91 DetT Tun 44s61 5 994 99'i 914 Dou2Atrccv4s77 81 854 8514 854 DowChcv 382 15 172 171 171 .1 Dresslncv44s77 4 1014 1004 1014. Vi EastGAF 44s65 2 96 4 964 964 EastSStlcv 5s73 14 118 115 115 -S ElPaso Sw 5s65 5 1014 1014-1014 4 Erie 5s 2020f 5 204 204 201 1 Eriecv 44 2015f 9 234 2 4 234- 4 Frie 34s 90F 15 394 394 394 Firestone 34s 77 1 894 89'4 894 Firestone3s61 1 99 25 32 99 25 32 99 25 32 FlaECtcv542011 1 33 4 334 3U44 Vi FlaFCst 5s2011 15 68 68 68 FoodFrcv 4s79 17 1104 1104 1104- V4 87 87 87 59 4 14 59 574 124 28 4 514 124 13i 184 Un Stl 1 684 684 68414 177 284 524 124 14 19H 154 134- 4 KarCPIL 2.32 2 Kan Sou 4 2 Kan Sou pf 2 2 Kan 1.68 1 Kan 1.48 4 KayserRoth.40b 68 Twin City 2 Twin Coach 11 TXL Oil 20 704 704 704 794 79'4 794- Vi 39 38 4 38 4 594 59 4 594 47 47 47 -4 204 20 204 4 584 584 584 4 Stocks in SpoMht NEW YORK, April 27 I Sales, closing price and net change of the 15 most active stocks today. PhilVanH If 28 184 Pillsbury 1.50 13 474 Piper Aire la 12 56 Pitney Bow. 72 21 524 184 "4 56 .2 52 '4 25 i 4 19 15 464 54 51,4 214 15 Udvlite 1 57 4 56 4 27 26 1 56-4- 4 84 4 Kellogg la 1 Auto Cant 97 41.

40 40-4 Avcc. Corp 60 370 20 194 19V4 V4 Avnet El 388 45V4 43 43ilVs Underwrt 4i Vn AsbfrR 18 NEW t.MllA IT. b.agle 1.20 2 264 26V4 264 EastAirL lb 27 287'. 284 28V4- 4 EastGF 1.60 56 387 38V4 38V4- i xEastG pf 4.50 1.00 86'4 86M1 867s i EastSStl .90 19 22V4 22V4 22V4- Vi EastKod 2a 57 115 113V4 xEastKd pf3.60 1.30 967 964 964 Eaton.Mfg 1.80 21 354 344 344- 4 EdisBrStr 2b 6 79' 76 7914.24 EkcoPd 2 4 44V4 431 434- Vi ElasStopN lb 3 34V4 34V4 34V4- 4 84 5 164 164 a PitForg 1 Kelsey Hay lg 19 334 324 334- 4 Closing Net Sales In 35 344 35 4 xPitFtWDf 7 1 1294 1294 1294.1 l'n Bacpi.20a Kendall 1.20 17 374 364 37 4 UnCarbide3.60 72 134,4 1334 1334 4 15 4314 42i 434 4 Babbitt 114 VA l'n E'ec 180 Kennecott 1.25g 74 90. 88 4 89 4 Kern Ld 2.40 7 694 694 4 KerrMcG 1.60 91 110 1074 1074-24 Kerr.McGpf 1.12 19 434 42 4 424- Vi 88 Rnhrork 1 40 45 50 64 50 15V4 30V4 xl'n El rf4 .10 86 xUn Fl pf3.50 1.20 75 64 49V4 15V.

3OV4 75 .14 Vi Urug al 4'7S 4 834 83 4 8374. vj In bankruptcy 01 receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by companies. xl Ex interest. -Stamped, ct Certificates, nd Next day delivery, 1 Dealt in flat. Matured bonds, negotiability Impaired by maturity.

U.S. Certificates Of Indebtedness NEW YORK, April 27 Hosing certificate of indebtedness (bid and asked prices quoted in dollar and' 86 74 584 314 59 r.iAutoL, z.4Ua 70 66Vi 64 IV4 Keystone 2 2 37h Un Oil 4H 374 374- 4 86i 864 4 856 64 64 64 4 314 98 74 98 ElStorBat 2 Un Pac 1.20a 3M 6 594 594 84- 8'i 594 314 84 364 224 3OV4 304- Vi Un Pac pf .40 18 Kimb Clk 1.80b 5 864 King Seel 1 17 244 KLM Airl 2 26 24 Price eng. 114 Vi 234. li 6Vi- Vi 18V4- i 37.1V4 614 47 8'4 43H-11 254 Mi 19V44 -4 60 -IVi 104-1 ElginWatch 29 Hundreds 844 Fairch Eng 824 McCrory Cp 601 Welbilt Cp 5iS Forem Dair 502 Am Motors 471 Martin Co 413 Gen Electric 406 Std Oil 399 Stude Pack 388 Avnet Elec 383 Rohr Aire 370 Avco Corp. 360 Brunswick 319 Hupp Corp.

Bald Lima 16 154 Bait GiE 1 9 30V4 xBalt pf 4.50 10 98 Bait Oh 2 30i stp 60g 3 284 Bangor Ar .40 1 I8V4 BarberOil 1.37f 3 62 Rasic Inc 3 17 35H 354 2314 284 V. Un TankC 1.60 30 24 4 42 -1 144 134 28 4 274 ElPasNG 1.30b 211 224 224 '4 18V4 18'i 617 i 4 42 82 Koppers 2 21 43 xKoppers pf 4 .50 82 Un TwistD 1.20a Unit AirLin. 50b 49 20 85 834 474- 4 82 617 EmerEl lb EmerRad 474 464 464 454 43 48 4 4 17 167i UnitAirc 2 138 154 144 41U 40 Korvette 40 624 614 614-14 Kresge SS 1.60 23 324 324 324- 4 PitMetallu 15 244 23 4 234- 4 PitPlateG 2.20b 25 714 694 694-24 Pit Steel 13 154 154 154- 4 Pit Stl prpf 2 504 504 504 PittstonCol.20h 9 664 65 664.14 xPittstonpf 3.50 .20 112 112 112 .1 Plough 1 4 824 814 814- 4 Plvm Oil 3 264 264 264- "4 Polaroid .20 45 2'04 208 2084 4 PooriCo 9 21 204 204- 4 xPorterpf5.50 10.10 904 904 9044 4 PotomElPw 1.44 17 437s 424 4314- V4 1.40 47 854 84 84 -1 PubSvColo 2.10b 3 814 814 814 2 24 54 53 4 534- V4 1.10 IO414 104 4 104 4 xPSEi-Gpf 4.30 .40 894 894 894 xPSEfcGpf4.18 .50 864 864 864 1 81 4 84 84 PSEiiGpf 1.40 1 294 29i 294. 4 PubSvInd 2.20 8 59-V4 59 59 4 PS In pf4.80 2.50 1454 1454 1454 4 EmpDEl 1.52 21 364 36i- Basic Pd 1.20 26 227i 22V4 224 V4 Un Artists 1.60 19 594 4 134 4 28 4 85 .14 144- 4 41414 254- 29? 4 4 414 5V4- 4 264- 4 57 37 4 4 36i Kress 84 224 21 22414- Unit Bisc 1 9 Bath Ir Wk 3 10 50 49V. 49- ft EndJohn 15 264 254 Engellnd .80 129 314 294 24 4 4 24 3814 39 Bausch 1 20 13 39 I tBriiC 1 4 374 37 24 33 84 thirty-seconds.) Kroehler 10 134 134 Kroger 1.10 30 324 314 414 414 71 4 4 71 39'k 374 38 f.quituas 1.85 5 ErieLack 92 45 V4- 4 Flintkotecv4480 1 106 106 106 4l 286 Gen Motors Unit Carbon2b 11 Un CarrF 1.20a 7 54 5.

324 324 4 KVP Suth 1.40 9 364 354 Bid Asked Yld Bayuk Cig 2 16 Beat Fd. 1 60b 5 xB Fd pf 4.50 10 AMKR1TAV EXCHANGE (J 58. 577i 584 98 i 984 934 4 6'i 84 30 29-i xEneLack pf 3.00 264 26 3.50 .20 57 57 United Cp si LacledeGas 1.05 31 Lane Bry 1.40 3 May 4H 1961 100.3 100.5 0.33 GardDencv44s76 2 138 138 138 .14 9 194 '4 394 394 13 194 43 20V4 19. Beaunit Unitruit 224 214 214- 4 GAmOilcv44s84 41 102 101V4 1014-24 Lear .40 0 204- 4 65 22s 224 94 20 28 1434 14134 1414 Beckraan In t.uroiund 30 EvansPd 80 1314 31's- 4 364 4 294- 4 394 224- 174 154- 4 294- 4 2 4 54 -4 294 4 Gen Ciear 5V4s87 2 103 103 103 1 14 164 1644 4 Lee 384 60 4 174 174 384 374 Un Gas Co 1 50 88 Un Gas Irn2 40 2 Eversharn 1.20 54 43 Gen Elec 34s76 16 944 93V4 94 4 63 634 63 414 4214 384 4 GenFoods 34s76 2 92 92 92 98 Leh Port 1.20 36 Leh Val Ind 27 164 Un Greenf 1.10 5 154 15V4 3014 294 2 14 5H 54 164 4 224- 4 164 228 71 234 Unitvi-M la Pubhcklnd 37 104 104 104- 4 Mot Acc 5s77 9 1034 1034 1034 4 Mot Acc 580 6 1034 1034 1034- i Aug. 34 1961 100.5 100.7 2.24 (Subject to federal taxes but not to state income taxes.) Approximate yield to maturity.

U.S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK, April 27 iH Cloln U.S. Treasury notes (bid and asked price in dollars and thirty-second 1: 53 30 114 56 2 31414 114- 4 Leh Val RR 2 1. 4 14 22 14 UnPkMin 394 404.1 50 294 29 Beech Aire .60 155 207 19. 19.

Vi xBeech Crk 2 20 35V4 35 35Va 14 BeechLSav 1.70 9 627i 614 614- V4 Hem .70 8 154 15V 154 V4 Bell How 40b 102 67V4 65V 66 -1V4 Bell Int 25g 19 15'i 15 15'4 Bendix 2 40 18 654 64 64 74 Benef Fin 1 23 47 454 47 Ui Benef of 2.50 1 504 504 504 V4 Benguet 95. 14 ll4 ls V. Best Co 2 13 37V4 37 37V4 V4 664 66 '4 6fi'4- 4 ITmtShoe 2.50a 7 Lehman 1.46g Lehn wi GtMot Acc 581 16 104 113'i GMotAcc 4s82 58 99 984 99 Ex-Cell-O 1.50 18 384 Factor A 84 567 FairbMor 1.40 12 314 FairWhit 149 12 FairWh pfl.60 2 264 Fairch En 844 114 Fairmont 1.60 7 514 Fairmt 5 pf2.50 .20 50 Falstaff Br 1.30 19 414 264 264 8 44 4 43 4 434-14 43 -1 I- Rnrax 30B 9 448 43 36 4 36-4. 4 37 374- 4 664 67 4 114 114 Lehn 2 4 C.MotAcc 483 60 984 98 4 98'i 4 4 132 1304 1304-24 Pug Sd 24 404 Pullman 2 34 364 Pure Oil 1.60 58 374 Quak Oats 2 5 67 RCA lb 86 58 li 284. 8 US For S.40g 9 284 28-4 514- Vs 50 US Freight 2 "2 514 504 GMot Acc 4s79 14 944 944 944 Mot Acc 34s 514 50 404 Aprx US Fre'Eht rt 301 24 1 15 16 1 15 16- 4 USGvpsum2.40a TO 104 4 61 694 100 15 32 100 1 16 100 15 32-9 23 RCA pf 3.50 2 724 3100 Sapph Pet 9 16-1M6 737 Napco Ind 9H.1V4 725 Thomp Star 2is4 Vi 608 Mages Spt 34.

603 Molyb Can IVi V4 Florida Securities NEW YORK EXCHANGE The following securities of special Interest to Floridians may be found in the New York Exchange List. Air Control Products. Florida Power Light. Florida Power Foremost Dairies. General Telephone.

General Portland Cement, Lykes National Airlines, Winn Pixie. AMERICAN A E-These Florida stocks are listed on the American Exchange: General Development Corp Communications, Maule Industries. Tampa Electric Co. Daily Ouotations by PIERCE CARRISON. WfLBVRN.

INC. Bid Asked aiico 7Ts 8a Allied Products 2J 3 Am Fidelity Life Ins 7T 8H May 34 1961. 574 72 4 204 70 19'4 rami-in 1.6O Fansteel lb Fawick .30 FeddCorp lb Bestwall 1 38t 13 424 42 42'. i Beth Steel 2.40 151 464 46V4 46V4- Vi Beth Stl pf 7 3 145 145 145 V4 Bigelow 8 16V4 16V4 16V4- Ranco .80 15 204 Raybest 3.404 2 704 Raym Int .80 7 19s Rayonier 87 204 US HOff .4 a ITS Indust 75 144 134 134 US Lines 8 34 34 344 4 US Pioei-F 1 20 27 264 264 264- 4 I'S PlavCdl.lOa 1 304 304 304- 4 194 Bid Asked Yld 100.2 100.4 1.39 100.13 100.15 2.13 99.16 99.20 2 40 100.20 100.22 2 73 100.30 101 a 71 100U 100.13 2.72 99 99.4 2 47 101 4 101 6 2 83' 1018 101.162 60 100.12 100.14 2 90 GMotAcc 3'-4s72 14 924 914. 914- 4 Mot Acc 3h69 8 904 904 904 4 GMotAe 3s75 4 89'4 89 4 894 4 GMotAcc 2.s64 40 97 4 97 97 4 4 GenMotCp3V4s79 10 90 4 904 904 4 GenTelcv 44s77 10 194.

1944 34 Cen Tel cv 471 10 184 184 184 GenTmcv4.s79 14 108 108 108 .2 Gen TiR 4-V4S81 1 95 95 95 Grace cv 34s75 79 139 4 138V4 1384- V4 Dec 1 60 5 BlawKnox 1.40b 6 Raytheon 1.12f 53 374 644 64Vj Vi 40V, 39V, 39- 254 2514 2514- US Plvwd 2 55 52 514 524.14 Aug, 4 1961 Oct. 14 1961 Feb. 34 1962 Feb. 4 1962 Feb. 34 1962 Apr.

14 19H2 May 4 1 962 Aug. 4 1962 Aug. 34 1962 Reading Co 6 10 10 50 404- 39- 564-14 8 214 4 .33 44 16 21 364 14 444- 4 154- 4 46 4 30 164 1,4 28 -1 364 4 Bliss 1 60 4 vITS rMvnf 41 75 .70 7fii-i 764 764 21 10 40. 394 8 574 564 6 8 8 37 214 204 12 33 32 22 164 16 1 21 21 4 364 36 23 45 44'i 6 15-4 154 12 46 46 16 30 294 5 164 164 99 -287, 274 74 364 354 Bliss EW 25g 32 23V. 22Vj 224- V4 574-14 724.14 204.

4 704 1 194 204. Va 374-1 10-4 224-1 13-4. 4 184 4 234- 4 21-4 184 564. 4 294- 4 454. 4 154- Reading lpf 2 1 Reading 2pf 2 Reed Bit 7 2214 134 184 I'S Pub 2 20 18 53 524 524- 4 xUS Rub Pf8 3.70 158 1574 1574- Vi Bobbie Bks .50 38 4Ri 474 474.1 Lerner Str 1.40 50 444 424 44 LOFGIass 2.40a 87 49.

48 4 484-1 .40 119 134 13 134- 4 Ligg My 5 13 92 914 92 4 Vi pf 7 .20 151 151 151 Lily Tulip 1 20 524 514 514- 4 Ling Tern 105 334 324 328- 4 Link Belt 2.40 27 53 51 514-14 Lionel 211 344 334 33- Litton Ind 1.87t 77 137, 1344 1354.14 Lockh Aire 143 42. 418 414- 4 Loew's Thea 29 31 304 304- 4 LoneSCem 44 234 23 4 234- Lone Gas 1 20 278 264 264 4 Long Isl Lt 1.50 6 54. 54 544 xLongILpfE4.35 .20 874 874 874- V4 Lorillard 2.20 77 534 53 4 LouisvGl-E 1.52 2 57V4 574 574 4 1.50g 18 514 51 51 4 I.owenstein 1 22 164 16 164 I.ukens Stl 9 704 694 694 Lykes SS 1 13 194 19 194 BoeingAir 1 60 151 444 43V. t'! Shoe 1 40a 9 45i 45 4o4l FedPacEl FedPac pfl.26 FedPapBd 2 FedDStr 1.10 Fenestra FerroCp 1.60 FibrePap 1 FifthAvLin le Filtrol Firestone lb Bohn Alum la 9 25 244 Grand Un Reev Bros .50 50 24i Reich Ch 21 21 Oct. 14 1962 98.10 98.14 2.63 I'S Smelt 13 344 33'4 334 4 I'S Smelt Df3.50 2 48'i 484 484 4 cv 44s 78 48 130 1284 130 .2 101.2 101.6 2 95 188 134 184 234 21 1814 554 28 454 154 214 21--S 314 314 65 64'4 Bond Strs I 25 7 Book Mon 1.20 2 Borden 1.50 28 US Steel 3 93 864 85 4 854-14 99.12 2 99 GtNor Ry 44s76 1 100 100 100 GtNo Ry 2is82 1 684 68 4 68 4 Nov.

34 1962 Feb. 2 1963 Apr 14 1963. May 4 1963 ITS Steel on xd 7 1444 144 4 144 4- 4 97.24 2.71 GulfMl-O5s2056f 3 66 66 66 -1 Reliab St 1.20 2 Relian El 1.80 3 Relian Mf 104 Repub Av 2 246 Repub Corp .60 49 Reo Corn pf 1 19 I'S Tob 1.20a 12 294 284- 4 102 Borg Warn 2 34 40Vi Borman Fn .80 11 564 314 46ii 164 184 99.10 97.16 101.28 96 26 104 8 95.26 464 464-1 2.98 2 77 Am. Heritage Life Ins 10's 11 Am IndpDt. Reinsurance 2s 3V US Vitam .60 55 484 464 46i- 4 Oct.

14 1963 434 V4 25 2H4- V4 314- 14 64V4 s4 40 V. 434 4 71 v4 54 12i i 34V4 V4 49 V4 67i 574 IVi 97.2 624 6341 FstChartF 1.25t 83 484 First NStr 2a 12 634 FirthCpt 8 714 Flintkote 18 304 2414 244 Nov. 44 1963 Unit Stkvd 70 1 57 104 12 3 07 394 43 7 Hi 5. 121 34V4 71V4 5H HookerChcv584 19 1204 1204 1204-14 IB 18 Vi 74 74 Bos Edi 1 8 Boston It Me 1 Bran Airw 82 214- 4 174- 1 394- 4 184 17 Apr. 14 1964 HousehP'in 44s68 9 1004 1004 1004.18 294 30 12H Anheuser Busch 544 Arvida Corp Auto Merchandise.

Inc 6'4 Bevis Shell Homes 4H Repub Stl 3 69 604 594 594-1 Revere 2 4 49. 484 49 -1 40 349 96.2 2.92 104.16 3.18 101 18 3 20 HousehFin 24570 3 894 89 89 4 xFlint pfA4.50 1.30 1084 108 "4 104.12 101.14 12Vi 7 5 44 1084 Br Brass 35g 26 34 Vj 414 4241 424 May 44 1964. May 34 1964 Aug. 5 1964 vjHudMrfg5s57xf 4 724 72 724 Vt xFlint 4 pf .40 86 86-4 Un Whelan 56 UnivCvc SI. 20b 15 Univ Lf Tbl 20 35 Univ Mat'-h 60 112 I'nivOi' Pd.SOa 262 Univ Put la 6 49 49 564 544 5 324 324 324- Vi 105.14 105.16 3 20' Br Brass pf 2.25 2 Brisgs Mf 4 Thpmx.

Inc 3' 5 54 554 "8 494 4 I 86 54 45 4 67i 67-i Revlon 2.20 12 1364 1354 1354 4 Revlon wi 15 684 68 68 4 Rex Drug 29 564 554 554 4 Reyn Met 50 67 474 46. 47. -14 504 49 414 Oct 14 1964 1 5 16 91.26 95.2 3.03' 1 45 45 56' 4 Commonwealth Oil Co. rrnmntnn Builders Briggs St 2a 16 574 674- Vt 6734 674 544-1'. 3's 4s 105.6 IllBell Tel 2is81 9 774 77 77 -1 IntHarvCr4is81 7 1004 1004 lflfl4- 4 62 65U 644 64- 14 Mack irk 21 414 414 Macy 2 17 54 4 524 xMacy pf 4.25 .10 864 864 MadisonFdl.64g 25 234 234 72V4 72'4 Brist My 25g 54 74 la st FlaPw .88 Fla PL 1 Fluor FoodFair lb FoodGMkt lt .40 844 Nov.

44 1964 Apr. 14 1965 May 44 1965 105.10 3.27' 94.4 3 10 104 22 3.38' 844 844 55 564-14 864 234 139 304 29 4 301. Uoiohn .72 ReyMetcvpf4.50 5 121 121 121 14 Rey Met Pf2.37 1 48'i 484 4814- 4 31 564 93.28 104.18 93 16 38-4 38i 4 5 30H 18-4 31Vi 3 MagmaCopl.87t 139 564 534 55i.l ''tah Pi-L 132 4 Oct. 14 1965 BklyL'Gas 1 20 19 39V4 38V, 38V4- Brown Sh 2 80 2 734 73V4 734-1 Brunswick 40 360 62V4 60 60 -1V4 Buckeye PL 1.60 6 44V4 444 44V4. Vi 93 8 3.13 IntHarvCr 4s79 2 100 100 100 IntMnrcv3.65s77 24 115 114 114 IntTiTcv 44s83 15 315 315 315 ITECktcv 4Vis82 11 97 95 4 97 .14 13 Rey Tob 2.60 31 1134 1124 1134 4 4Si 45 45 -1 First Research Corp Fla.

Public Vtil 29 Flu. Steel Corp H) Fla. Tele. 29 Gu'f Cities Gas "A 24 If. tri 25'4 354- 4 13-4 334 4 35i 13 334 Magnavox I 37 89'-i 87i 88 .1 Apr.

14 I9G6 92 3.21 92 8 71 Rheem Mf 110 184 18 18 36 134 33i 304 514.1 FoodMach 1.40 195 xFoodM pf3.75 1.00 FoodMart .60 19 97 Rhodesian 160 114 14 14 4 704 97 Van Norm 8 Van Nor pr 57k 1 Van Pas' 1.20 60 Van Al Stl "0g 1 (subject to federal taxe but not to state income taxes.) Bucy Erie 45 23'! Z2V -2Z--i- 2614 264 27 -2'4 14 1474- 4 Budd Co .15 42 15H Mallory 1.40b 29 514 50 Manh Shirt 32 214 204 Manning 1.40 5 244 24 Marac Oil 1 5 ,5 Maremont .60 16 184 184 324 324- 4 704- 4 97 14 4 4 24 Vi 814- 4 14 324 Heinicke Instruments 39H 41J4 FooteM 32 55 214 24 V4 5 184- 4 24 3m 31V4 But rorge 1 vinmo owners ute ins Ford Mot 3a xd 70 824 814 Vanad Cn .40 27 264 Varain As 77 774 164 17V Approximate yield to maturity. Federal Land Bank 5i 44 2514 754 694 Bullard 20 Bulocks 1.40 2 roremuair sse 134 124 26 4 Vt 754 4 70 4 4 41-4 424 42V 264 264- 4 Kicn Merrell 1 17 9 9414 944-14 Richfld Oil 3.60 6 102 101 101 41 Richfld Oil wi 3 514 514 51.4 4 Riegel Pap 1 20 8 29 4 28 4 284 Ritter Co .80 10 45 4 44 4 45 -1 Roan Ant 18 34 34 34 Rob Fulton.25g 21 384 38 384 Roch GiE 1.80b 5 484 484 4H-4 4 KayRthcv54s80 45 1424 141 141 -2 LehVCoal 5s64t 1 97 97 97 LehV Coal 5s74st 5 85 85 85-1 Leh VHT 5 84 3 62 62 62 V4 LehV Term 579 1 614 614 614- LibMcNcv 5s76 20 1194 1184 1194 Lionelcv 54s80 19 1294 127 127 -2 37 rosrwneel lb 10 36i 37 4 Vendo Co .40 70 714 VaCaro Ch 8 4114 19 27 20s 141 18V4 41 Foxboro 22 5642 13 3Hi 7H 56 124 284 fili 5314 13 8414 80 31V4- Vi 164 424 Vi 19V4-1H 177- Vi 36.. 1H 34 Vi 214 10V- Vi VaCChnf 2 1204 1204 Bulova .60 Burl Ind iOg Burndy .60 Burroughs I 67 37 Marine Mid lb 26 264 Marquardt 62 23 Marq Cem 1.80 18 564 MarshField 2.50 9 70 xMarshFpf 4.25 .30 924 Martin Co 1 471 384 Masonlte 1.20b 4 304 FrankStr .80 8 204 204 Freept Sul 1.20 26 32 30 83 .34 20H 304-1 234 4 70V4 704 i 924 924-14 17T 35 34 214 10V4 86 34 Vi VnEM-Pow 1.30 19 534 54 4 544 4 xVaEiPnf 5 .10 1054 1054 1054 4 44 June 1961 Horne Ent Houston Corp: Inter Countv Tele Jackson's Minit Mkts. Jim Walter Corp Jim Walter 9s, 2000 McLean Industries Miami Window Corp. Fearce-L'ible Corp Plant Industrie 126 Lockhdcv34s80 40 1724 170 170 -2 23 Bush Term 20d 4 22 Kocn lei 1 IS Z9V 28ti 284 4s Sept.

1961 374 37414 Lorillard 3s 63 14 984 984 984 Vi Rock Std 2 10V4 Byers .20 rruen ira i.zu 229 24 Gabriel 67 16 1962 304 304 reb. May Str 2 20 25 504 494 4s May 50 154 14 46Vi 45H 45'4- i 3'i 414 1H 2.4 3'4 4H 8'i 27. 29H 1 9 16 1 11-16 14 334 33 4 334 3.80 525 513 513 -104 383 254 244 254 4 25 18 174 174- 4 11 224 214 22414 Mays .80 16 444 424 424-14 Gamble Sk 1.20 7 2914 29 Macv cv 5s 77 21 1664 163 16649 Martin 54s 68 6 103 4 103 4 1034 154 14 294 4 284 4 514 Rohr Aire 1 Ronson Roper GD RC Cola .80 Cal Pack 1.25 Callah Mng 9 474 474 474- 4 GarWd pf2 25 Maytag 2a 1 28. 28. 24 Radiation, Inc.

4'aS Aug. 34s Oct. 2.s May 44s Apr. 47 17. McDermotcv3s72 2 1064 1064 1064 V4 5 514 51 46 17'4 ti Calum 40 7 244 244 244- Vi McKessiR34s73 1 86 4 864 864 74V4 79 13 13V4- Camp RL 35a 18 13i 13 66s 644 4 58 4 56 4 2 38 4 374 7 38 4 3714 474 474-14 214 214 i 42" 42' MCA Inc McCall McCall wi McCord 2 20 McCrory .80 65 4 564-14 374-14 374- 4 23414 63 484 10 214 1 12 2 5 IOO14 100' i 100' 4-1 Camp Soup GardnerDen 2 Garrett 2b GenAccept lb GenAcc pf.60 GAInves GenAmOil Mer hpcv44s75 82 79 788 79 4 MichBellT 4-9I 5 974 974 974- Vi MichConG34s69 11 94 4 94 4 94 4 12 Can Dry 1 11 25V4 2514 25Vi 04" Rid A.keif 100.10 100.12 100.14 100.18 100.9 100.13 100.28 101.4 102 4 102.12 100.5 100.7 98 .30 99 6 102.14 102 22 101 1018 101 101 8 98 30 99 2 97 97.16 101 8 102 8 102 103 24 104 24 107.16 108 16' 96 97 107.16 108.16 102 103 95.16 96.16 100 ini 98 16 99 16' Royal Dut 1.59r 105 RoyalMcB 38 Rubbermd 2 Ruberoid 2 4 Ruppert 1 1R4 15 424 824 24 224 5 26 4 264 25 244 xCan pf 4.25 .40 84Vj Can Brew 1.70 14 48.

84 477 12 4 264- 4 244- 4 82 4 42 4 174 4 15-4 42 4 12 4 21 14 174 xMcCropf3.50 10.60 118 112 117 .74 12 Mpls Stl 685 3 874 874 874 1962... 1962.... 1962... 1963 1964 1964... 1965 1966.

1966 19f8 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 174 15 42 12 204 174 12 Biddte Airlines Sorohan Southeast Tele Star Super Mkts Stockton. Whatley, Davin Svstems Tampa Elec. 4.32 pf Electronics 1'nion Finance Corp Sugar Wometco Yocam Batteries McCropfB 5.50 3.20 156 150 156 -7 MKTinc54s2033f 36 18 174 18 4 GenATran 2 25 22 82 80( 30H 21 15'4 14 4 19' 4 19' 23. 231. 274 14 13's 134 8514 314 mi 3SH 1814 -4 Gen Bak 17 84 84 8 69 68.

Can Pac 1 50 14 Cannon 3 2 Capital Airl 70 xMcCro 6 pf 6 .50 1014 1014 1014.14 McDerm 18 394 38 4 394 4 Mo Kan 5s 62 7 100 4 99 100 414 Mo Kan 5s 67f 6 70 684 70 4S Oct. 4s Oct. 3is Feb. 34 May 44 Mar. 48 Mar.

4Hs July 4s Feb. 34s Apr. 54s July 44s Oct. 34s May 44s Feb. 1U4 Rvan Aero .20 20 21 Ryder Sys 85 I8V4 S-Safcway St 1.50 42 454 48..

V4 V. 684- Vi 11H 55 Vi v-4 531 46 14 1 1 Kan 4s62R 12 99 98. 984 V4 Carborun 1.60 10 55V4 10'. 55 314 13ii 334 36 36 34414 364 36 -14 Carey Ph 1.60 8 32 Mellon Air 1 187 35 McGrawEd 1.40 49 364 McGraw .60 42 37. McGreg Don A 1 2 154 M1 Kan 4s 90 6 60 594 594- 4 MoPac 52C45f 56 524 52 52 13s.

Carlisle .40 6 Caro PiL 1 48 4 154 154 MoPac44s2020f 29 574 57 574 4 534 53 Mclntyre 1 4 29 294 29. 4 St.IosLead 1 8 StlosLiP 160 12 StLSanF 18 StLSaoFpf 5 1 StResPap 1.40b 35 314 37 17-4 77 354 MNafi cv 4480 14 121 119 121 .1 46 Carperi Stl 1.20a 9 464 Carrier Cp 1 60 11 407 McKee 1.50 1 28. 284 284 4 Treasury Position 40H 40H- 14 1972 1972 MoPac 34 54 534 534 MoPac 44 90 17 704 694 70 i 444 304 364 174 77 344 344 134 154 274 McKessiR 1.50 15 45 44 44 29ii 29'a 378. Sept Carr Gen 2 McLean .40 49 74 74 xGenBak pf8 1.20 1224 1224 1224- 4 GenBanc .40 12 8. 84 84- 4 Ger.Bronze 1 204 2(14 20'--, GenCable 2 18 404 404 404- 4 xGCbl pf 4 1.00 79 79 79 Gen Cie 1 4 284 28-H 284- i GCont Fin 5 67 64 64- 4 GControls .60 17 184 174 174- 4 GenDynam 1 198 38.

374 374- 4 GenElec 2 413 614 614 618 Gen Finan 1.40 1 43 434 43- 4 GenFds 1.40 37 784 774 774- 4 Genlnstru 55 534 52 4 524 GenMills 1.20 27 314 314 314 14 xGen Mills pf 5 .50 108 IC8I4 1084 GenMot 2 286 464 454 454- 4 Gen.Mot pf 5 4 107t 1074 107t. 'Bid and asked fraction reoresent MoPac 44s2005 23 69- 694 694- 54 454 4 31 37 4 4 174 77 -2 344. 4 344- 4 134- 4 15. 4 284- 4 94 484-14 40-4 27 55 38 SanDGas 1 20 18 344 SarDImper.38! 135 Mead Cp 1.70 13 394 394 394 liv. thirty-seronds.

MononR 62007f 8 224 224 224- 4 WASHINGTON, April 27 'r-The cash position of the Treasury compared with JI conesponding date a year aco: -7 4 April 24, April 22. I960: 29v. 4 544-1 V4 8U4 41-j- 33 Vs 82'i 81Vj MontWdCr54s81 19 1034 103 103 1.70 10 134 124 13 4 944 944 9444 i 164 164 164 Ml 254 25 4 25 4 4 61 594 594-24 49 4H4 49 .14 39'i 38'i 39 .1 104 94 104- 4 114 11 114 17 154 17 .24 644 64 Vt 2''. 224 224 80 4 794 79i. Vi 514 514 514 67 4 67 674-1 524 52 524 4 3614 36 4 36 4- 14 294 24- 4 64 6 6'4- 16 16 16 14 9fi4- 4 ST 36-4 37 -1 264 26 264- Vi 338 334 42 414 42 .1 354 35 35 4 25 4 254 254 474 464 47 14 274 264 27 4 414 '04 404 504 504 504- V.

974 974 974. 4 314 314 314- V4 534 52 33414 544 544 544- 4 104 104 104 4 444 444 4414- 4 24 234 234. 4 54 534 534. 4 43 4 424 424 4 394 394 3914- 4 114 114 114- 4 36 354 354. 4 444 434 444 4 125 125 125 4 324 324- 4 28 274 2 1-4 4W 4 MontWdCr4480 3 1024 102H 102414 saneamo El 17 16- Schenlev 1 155 284 Schenley pf 50 11 94 Medusa PC I 1 284 284 284- i Melv Shoe 1.60 10 334 33 33 -4 Merck 1.60 27 89 88 88 MergenLino.80 37 304 294 294- 4 Merr ChiS 56 124 114 114-14 Walereen 1 60b 15 Walker 1.40a 2 Wall Tirn .80 16 Walworth 63 Ward Bak 6 Ward Ind 188 Warn Picl.20 4 Warner Co 1 5 Warn Lam 1.50a 20 Warren SD .90 4 Wah Gas 2 40 2 Wash Wat 2 7 Waukesha 2a 1 Wav Knit 2 2 WVeihiltCp.lOe 601 WKvPoal 5 v'VPcnPpf4 50 .30 WVaPulo 1.20 13 WestAirL 1 16 Wn Bancorp .80 48 West AutoS 140 5 WestMarv 1.80 14 West Pac 1 4 WestUnTel 1.40 41 Westg.ABk 1.20 40 WestnEI 1.20 179 Wheel Stl 3 25 xWheelStlpf 5 .40 Whirl Cp 1.40 25 White Dent 1 80b 7 White Mot 2 15 White Sew 32 Wtvte Sewcvpf3 1 White Str 1 3 Wilcox Oil lb xd 7 Wilsoni-Co 1 60 9 Wilson Jon 1 1 Winder Ind 60 12 WinnDi-'ie 59 WiscE'w 1.80 18 'WiscF'Pwpf 6 .30 WiscPSv 1 30 3 324 MontWdCr44s81 4 100 100 100 4 9'4 46 33.

69 34'a i1M-93-52 Schering 1.40 46 494 474 33. 33H-1 75Vj 76 -1 27V, 27s4. vi Cel cv pf 4.50 39 76H Schering pfl.50 6 40'4 40 NAFI cv 80 2 119 119 119 -1 Mesta Mch 2.50 1 544 54. 544- 4 T2.436.858.776.18 70 427 Withdrawals fiscal year Celotex 1 22 28 Schick 104 104 .104 62 184 18-H 18H Vi Celotex pf 1 3 Nat Dairy 2470 3 89 K9 us Nat Dist 3s 74 1 89 89 89 Scott Pan 2.20 9 107 1064 1064-1 78.799,033,676.38 733.3lu.M GenMot 3.75 Cen Aguir 1.60 25 26V, 25, 254- 4 3 82 811, 8ivj-i 944 824 624- 944 834-14 364 4 Scovill Mf 1 11 214 204 21'4. 4 Metro GM 1.60 70 64 xMetFd pf 4.45 .20 944 xMetEdpf 3.90 .20 834 Middle SUt 1.06 31 364 Midi Ross 3 10 51 4 23 Cen, Fdy la 11 23V, NatTeacv 34s80 2 115 115 115 -2 Eng TiT 74 74 74- 4 23 67 .3 36 Screw i Bolt 16 SeabALRR 56 65 V4 33 324 324 4 (Ml hi fit 1UU Ta Z3 Si S3 iJi-l, Ji GenOutAdvl.30 26 3214 29 324-24 GenPCem 1.20a 15 354 35 35 GenPrec 1.20 30 67 66 664 4 GPrec3 pf 4 834 83 8341 GPrec pf2.98 4 86 85 R5 85 Cen Ga pf 2 67 Cen Hud 1 6 33V4 Cen III Lt 1 52 7 42 504 504-1 984 984 Vi Seab Finan lb 36 27i 274 274- 3314 334 40V4 42 .2 NY Cen 6s 80 12 864 864- 4 xMidRosspf5.50 .50 964 Seagrave 224 22.

224 MineriCh 37 244 23. 234 xCen 111 pf 4.50 .10 96 96 Sealrieht 1 40 384 374 374- 4 96 -1 22V4- 14 24 1524 1494 1494- i Mpls Hon 2 Cen KR NJ 1 22 li 224 58. special or extra dividends are not in- 864-14 1 SearsHoebl.20a 103 .60 71 86 4 84 4 39Vi 39 39 Seiber Rub 50 1 59' 4 584 13. 134 184 174 Cen SW 1.02 5 Cen Soya 1.10b 11 Minn Ont 1.60 22 30V4 30 luded. Also extra or extras.

Annual 29 294 295, 30-4 404 4 64. 4 30 14 51 .14 224- i 374- 14 Servel 45 134 18 Vi 134 GenPubS 55 64 64 Gen PUt 1.16 45 30 4 29. GenRySig la 12 51 494 GenRefrac 1 10 224 224 GenStlCast 1.60 17 37', 374 GTell-E 76 221 294 29 Minn PiL 1.60 18 41 394 Cent Ind 40b 13 18 164 164 -IV Shahmoon Ind 1 134 1314 rate dIus stock dividend, Declared 424 424 42V. 42H- li Mission Cp 1.50e 9 424 Mission Dev 22 288 ShamOi-G 1.6Cb 48 47 4 46. 464 Cerro Cp 1 10b 118 43.

Cert-teed 6C 224 49 28 28 4 or paid in 1961 plus stock dividend, Paid last vear. Payable in stock 294- 4 MissRivF 1.60 34 384 374 38-4 Sharon Stl 10g 6 274 274 274- 4 Shattuck 22 254 244 244- 4 CessnaAir lxd 133 364 GTelFla pfB 1.30 1 274 274 274 during 1961, estimated cash value on 44 GenTime 5 Mo Kan Tex 3 4. Mo Pac A 2.40 19 394 43 36H 47. 29H- 43H-1 64 164 164 16'4 Shell Oil 1.10 26 434 424 434 4 47v 36 47 2914 4.IV4 28. x2S8.847,403,137.79 238,997,435.740 08 Gold assets K.390.167.5M 44 19.375 272 353.43 Includes $39796.873.83 debt not subject to statutory limit.

Metals Prices NEW YORK. April 27 '-Spot tion-ferious metal prices today: Copper 29 cents a pound, Connecticut Valley. Lead 11 cents a pound. New York. .7, nc 1 1 V-4 cents a pound.

East St. Louis. l.Olii a pound, New York. Foreign si'ver 91 cents per troy ounce. New OM Lots NEW YORK, April 27 I The New York Stock Exchange reported today -these odd lot transactions by principal dirs for April 26: Purchases of 114 shares: Sales of 453, 8U shares including 1,595 shares sold short.

GenTire 1 3814 384 30 44 Mo Cera 1 60 6 39 Chad Goth 12 ChampPap 1.20 27 ChampSpk 1.60 7 Champlin Oil 1 41 Mo Pub Sv 3 23 4 23 Genesco 1.60 GaPacCp lb 44 394-114 39 4 234 4 114- 4 70 1744 Vi 7 28' Mohas Ind 42 114 11 287. 50 4 GerberProd 2 98 50V4 497. SneM Tran 42 22 4 224 Sheller Mf 1 6 174 174 Sheraton 54 184 174 121 32. 304 Signode 3 364 36 Simmons 2 40 29 534 52 Simonds 60g 1 794 794 Simp Pat 1.20 13 494 484 70 174 Chance Vet 2 Checker Mot Chemetron 45 24V, 23V4 24 I GENERAL PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY Common Stock Dividend Th Board of Director, of Gn ral Portland Cement Company hat this day declared 0 quor-terly dividend upon its Common Stock of 30 cents per share, poyabl June 30, 1961 fo itock-holder of retord ot tha close of buiineti on Jun 1961. Th lock transfar booki will remain opn.

HOWAHO MlllfU, 7rtwrf April 23, 1961 224 4 174- i 174- 4 4 364 i 524 4 794-14 494 Vi 434 784-14 13 27 264 264- 4 7 Gerber Pd wi GettvOi! Giant PC 80 Gillette 2.50a 66 70', 69 694- 4 12 334 334 4 53 704 69. 694-1H 3 864 854 854-1 3 434 431. 434 31 174 164 164- 4 26 194 194 194 34 1124 110. 1104- 4 3 684 684 684 3 684 684 684 1 964 964 964-14 6 20 20 20 woolworth 2.50 24 68'i 68'i 684 4 Worthington2 50 24 664 644 65 -4 xWorth pf4.50 1.60 914 0014 9114 Wrigley 3a 5 IO84 i07'-i 1084.14 Wyan Wor 10g 38 1 114 lli. ia i 9i 9V, xMohas pf 3.50 .80 71 Monarch .40 14 IT7 Monon RR BIT Monsan Ch lb 52 45 Mont Ut 1.20 6 364 Mont Pw 1.12 2 34 Montecatini 3 37 444 444- 4 Chemway 11 ChesCpVa 1 20b 4 37 37H 364 364 4 334 Sinclair 51 444 43.

V4 62 25 V4 3514 Ya1eiTv 1.50 2" 324 314 324. Ches t- Oh 4 20 624 624 Ch Gt West 2 25H 25 Ch Gt pf 2 50 1 35V4 3514 37 784 Gimbel 2.20 Gimbel 2.20 Gimbel pf4J50 Glad McB 1 34 4 i7 4 :.64 294- 4 ex-dividend or ex-distribution date, Declared or paid so far this year, Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up. Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears, Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting, Declared or paid in 1960 plus stock dividend, Payable in stock during 1960, estimated cash value, on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date, Liquidating dividend. eld Called, xd Ex dividend, x-dis Ex distribution, xr Ex rights, xw Without warrants, ww With warrants, wd When distributed, wi When issued, nd Next day delivery. vj In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such companies.

rouni74w 1 is 241 243 244 Vi YnestShtT 3 20 1064 105 105 Montecat St 2 36 4 364 smeer Mf 2.60 28 79 Skellv Oil 1 80 8 60 Smith AO160b 18 35 I4i- Vi Ch SP Pac 29 14 UH Mont Ward 1 66 30 4 294 594 594-1 34 34 -1 27 4 274 i YngstSDr la 7 214 21 214. Glen Aid .40 67 15 144 134 134 4 Smith Cor 226 284 ChM SPPP pf 5 1 54 54 54 Chi NW 6 16v 164 16.. V4 24 384 Moore Mc 10 134 Morrell 23 324 Motee Ind 1 19 264 Glidden 2 GlobeW .60 Smith Doul.20 11 284 274 28 144- Vi 384. i 134 24 314 31i 264 264 3 26V, 26V, Chi NW pf 384 124 24 Smith KF la 38 574 574 574- 4 264- V4 35 V4 GoebelBr 13 134 11 24 66 56 Chi Pn 1 20a 15 35H 35 Tampa Clearings Mot Wheel 20 17. 15'.

16 Socony 2 247 474 Goodrich 2.20 Chi RI Pac 1 60 15 23V4 23V 23 V4- 35 it mel 51.40 16 354 347 ZenithRad 1.60 33 136 134 1344.14 xUnit of trading 10 shares or sales in full. Rates of dividends 1b the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted. 55 35 55 4 4 4 354 4 $6,757,328.91 "Today 20 20 xChi Cab .50 .60 20 Goodyear 96 354 Motorola 1 MSL Ind .50 28 93 4 914 91H-14 42 35 4 34 4 35 4 464 47 4 104 11 4 7i 74- 4 55 5 5 4 38 38 18 lt Vi 7.606.358.76 5,293.564.98 Soo Line 5 11 SoAmGiP 28 74 SoCarEirG 1.50 5 554 SoJerGas 1 10 1 38 SoPRSug .60 It Chock FN 40 38 29H 28V, 28V4- s4 Chrysler la 106 44 43 43 -lv One week ago One year ago 'Ten year ago GouldBat 1 20 35 474 454 47 .24 Gracei-Co 1.60b 51 674 664 664- GrahFaige 37 24 34- 4 Mueller Brl.40 3 23. 23H 234 4 Holiday Cin GE 1.50 18 447 44V4 44V4- Munsingw 1 13 254 244 24V4- Vi.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.