The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

1 THE MORNING CALL, Allentown, Friday, Sept. 8, 1972 55 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 84 TRAVEL TRAILERS 80A LOTS AND BLDG. SITES 78 1 MOBILE HOME-TRAILERS 80 FOR SALE 3 Different mobile homes In 3 different mo bile home parks. All are set up and ready to live in. Immediate Possession Call In person at 4325 Hamilton AI- ICIiivvvM, ra.

LOVE HMH CO. Phone 395-3326 GREEN ACRES SALES Rt. 512 Rt. 115, Wind Gap, Pa. 1-863-9388 Park Space Avail.

HEREFORD ESTATES Rt. 29 and 100. Hereford Ph. 679-6700 LEHIGH VALLEY'S NEWEST Mobile Home dealer invites you to come out Inspect a fine selection of new homes. Our opening special.

New 60'xl2', 2 Iqe. living Ige. kitchen with bay win- aow. $5995 HOME SALES O-J On Old Rt. 22.

Kuhnsvllle. 398-0391 1 mile West of Turnpike. LITTLE DETROIT IS THE DISTRIBUTOR FOR SHASTA MOTOR HOMES Sales Bethlehem Suburban Ford 2135 W. Union Blvd. 867-8641 NEW USED From $3,000 CREEKSIDE SALES ii COURT Rt.


like new, cond. Now only $5500. 1 only 60x12 Home, 3 B.R., only $4400. Only SIUUU TO I3UU uown, rinaiu-e uaiaiiLc monthly. We have park space available.

Come see. KEYSTONE MOBILE MUWtS Rt. 145, 7 Miles North of Allentown Phone 262-4676 REPOSSESSED Mobile Homes, No cash required, contact Riggs, 2 miles west of Kutztown on Rt. 222, Ph. 683-8314.

SEE THE DETROITER NUSS MOBILE HOMES Route 329, 2 Ml. W. of Egypt 799-3322 SPACIOUS PARK Beautiful homes. Hgy. 512 north of Bath, Penna.

HbKU wutsiLt numcs, inL. SPECIAL SALE New 70x1 2 3 Furn. $7695 HOWARD MOTORS Rt. 987, 1 mile N. ABE Airport 264-2331 USED MOBILE HOMES '71 PRINCESS 112 Bedroom, 12x50 '70 PRINCESS 2 Bedroom, 12X60' '61 Skyline 2 Bedroom, 10X55 Bank Financing Available Phone 262-6771, Ext.

28 Cement National Bank WE'RE Not giving away any free hams or Pick-uo trucks with vour purchase at HICKORY HILLS but we still have the best values in Mobile Homes and the finest lois in The East. Rte. 512 at Moorestown 12 to 9 weekdays, 12 to 7 Sat.Sun. WINNEBAGO ROUNDUP SALE Our once-a-year factory-authorized Winne bago Roundup Sale. ttrana new lyz winneDago nnoior noma Brand new 1972 Winnebago Trailers Campers We have to close them out to make room for the new '73 Models Want a great value on a qreat Winnebago? i nere ii never oe a oeiier Time man ngni now.

TOM SCHAEFFER'S TRAVEL CENTER 3 Ml. S. Hamburg Rt. 61562-8811 Open to 9, Sat. till 5.

Closed Sun. Complete Awning Dept. Area's Largest Parts-Service Center "FOR A GOOD DEALMORE" WOODLAND'S Mobile home sales, Route 100, Old Zionsville, Pa. (next to penneoacker orcnaroj 967-2131. TRAVEL TRAILERS 80A 1-AAA-l Out they go! We must make room for our '73 stock.

A 1972 Penguin, Araoians and Little Hobo units will be sold at prices cut to the bone. Buy today at the place where we have so much more to otter. J.M. SNYDER SONS. INC.

80 W. Park Ave. Neffs 767-3869 The Good Place to Buy Evenings 'til 8, Sat.til 3 17V2 FT Coachman travel trailer, fully equipped, A-l condition. Call 868-7590 18 DIFFERENT SHAPES Sizes Prices of Pickup trucks covers. Now on Display.

From $135. TRAVEL TOWN, 17th Tilghman 435-3711. 18 FT. LAYTON 1968 model, 6 sleeper, with toilet, gas refrigerator heater. Reduced to $1650 ROLLA-LONG TRAVELERS 4875 MacArthur Egypt, Pa.

262-2907 18 FT. TERRY Fully self-contained Like New. Many extras. Call 395-5738 VI DODGE HEAVY DUTY CAMPER SPECIAL Ton Pick-Up. Complete with Wolverine camper, V-8 engine, 4 speed sleeps 4, 10 ply tires, 8,000 miles, like new, a real sporrsmans Buy ai $4895 UNION GARAGE INC 1130 W.

Broad St. Pa. 867-3793 NEED LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES? Read Class 3RA 1972 APACHE MESA Solid State. Sleeps 6. Stove.

Sink. Ice Box. Spare tire. Call 1-201-859-6470 after 3:30 p.m. A-FRAME Unusual travel trailer.

Sleeps 4, stove, icebox, sink heater. $6O0. pnone bj-i 16V ALL SEASONS RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PATHFINDER, FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL TRAILERS Camping supplies, parts, service. Rte. 248 Vj mile N.

of L.V. Thruway 2867 Nazareth Easton, Pa. 253-7700 Eves, till 9 Sat. till 5 P.M. ARGOSY by AIRSTREAM Alrstream safety, Airstream comfort and Airstream durability at popular prices.

Alrstream oresents a new travel trailer with a oroud pedigree! Total travel pleasure. See AKIjUSY py Alio i kcm ai SHERWOOD MOBILE HOMES Off 178 east of Bloomsbury, NJ, on Rt. 173. 9 to Dark Mon. thru Sat.

Call 201-479-4'31 for all your travel needs. authorized AIRSTREAM dealer CLEANUP SALE On 1972 travel Trailers. P.U. CamDers Truck Caps, Also 1973 Diamond Mini Homes Fiberglass Tops, parts acces. see at k.u.i, uameisvine, Beers Champion Sales Svce.

767-5582 or 262-3582. CLOSE-OUT SALE 1972 TRAILERS 18 Ft. Starcraft Trailer $2750 420 Ft. Starcraft Trailers $3295 2 22 Ft. Starcraft Trailers $3795 Bob's starcraft saies, 929 s.

5tn Allentown, 433-4422 end Of season clean uo sale on all campers and trailers (Don't Buy until you checked our or ices!) NAZARETH SPORTS CENTER, South New Nazareth, Pa. 759-4596, state Inspections. Open Daily to 9:00 P.M., bat. till 5:00. NEW TIMBERLAKE 14 Ft.

leftover, with brakes, sink, stove, refrig. safety glass. Reduced to $1095 DORNEY AUTO SALES 1216 Union Blvd. 432-5100 71 NIMROD Sleeps 8. Sink, stove, ice-box.

Water electric connections $1250. Call 395-5047 '69 NIMROD Hard top tent camper, sleeps 6, dinette, Coleman stove, ice box, canopy. Spare tire, clothes closet, plus ex tra storage space. A-l cond. $650.

pn, 965-2879. PICK UP CAMPER IOVj Lil-Champ, very clean $875. Ph. 262-7373 SAVE NOW! PALOMINO Tent campers, deluxe mod el, with heater, brakes, 3 burner stove, sink, ice converter, 6 sleeper extra features, was $2500, now $1900. Ready for the road.

Only 2 left. Dale Fields Trailer Sales R.D. 1, Slatington, Pa. 767-5864 SELF CONTAINED Home made camper $550. with ton Ford pick up.

$695. 3 new 8 ply tires $75 extra. 1-536-3793. TENT CAMPER Apache, hard top model, many extras. Ph.

262-7947 TENT WHEEL CAMPER Chuck Wagon. Excellent condition. 18' contains sink, stove, heater, canopy with screened-in room. Sleeps 7. $900.

Phone TOHICKON VALLEY TRAILER CENTER Rental-Sales 8. Service Rt. 309, Ouakertown. Pa. 536-9878 TRUCK CAMPER FOR SALE LIKE NEW.

ASKING $950. PHONE 797-7486 TRUCK CAMPERS! TRUCK CAMPERS! The finest selection of truck campers In the Lehigh Valley. 8 ft to 11 ft 4 in. Prices at $1395 for 8 ft Honey. Includes ice box, gal ley pump, stain ess steel sink, range hood roof vent, full screen door, jalousie windows, 4 in Herculon cushions.

9,000 BTU furnace with thermostat. Bock iacks 2 Durner range. 3 brand names to choose from. Honey, Dreamer, Sterner JOHN V. LEHR TRAVEL CENTER Schoenersvilfe Rd.

from Bethlehem Ph. 264-0193 or 868-7565 USED TRAILERS 16' PLAYMOR Heater, toilet, range $1595 18' BLAZON Extra clean, eauipped.S1895 19' COACHMAN Self contained APACHE Tent Camper $795 TRADE WINDS CAMPER $595 NEW VIKING Heater, ice box, water system $1295 Dewalt Trailer Sales Route 191 115 Stockertown, Pa. Ph. 759-2349. UTOPIA MINI HOME Featuring Dodge chassis with 360 cu.

inch, 245 H.P. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Automatic Transmission, Heavy Duty Dual Wheels, 6 Sleeper completely self-con tained, with 1 piece fiberglass bath. This unit win deliver at only sum now at Rol la-Long Travelers 4875 MacArthur Rd Egypt. Pa. 262-2907 Open Daily 9 to 9, closed Sat.

Sun. WHEELS 8, DEALS 1972 17' WHEEL CAMPER $1595. 1973 16W LAYTON 6 sleeper, heat, bath sivvs. 197219' LAYTON 6 sleeper, self-con tained $2495. 197322' LAYTON 8 sleeper, self-con tained $3395 TENT TRAILERS 1972 PERMA 6 sleeper.

Loaded $1195. 1969 NIMROD 6 sleeper. Loaded 1969 NIMROD 4 sleeper $595. 1971 APACHE Solid state Make offer 1973 VIKINGS on display, up to $600. dis count TRUCK TRAVELERS WHEEL CAMPERS 25' 26' self-con tained $3995 REPPERTS Ph.

1-367-9853 Rte. 100, Boyertown MOTOR HOMES 80B SEE THE U.S.A. THE RIGHT WAY Rent a Motor Home SELF CONTAINED Sleeps 5 or 6 make reservations now for your spring or summer vacation. BILL PEOPLES INC. 2350 Lehigh Arwn.

791-0300 VW CAMP MOBILES 1971 Housecars 3 to choose from berk mik. cu. ist Ave. W. Catasauqua 264-1384.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 84 A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Is yours If you act now. You can own a very successful 8. solidly established coin laundry 8 coin dry cleaning business in one of the best areas in town. Cost is less than Vi of value of equipment, tail S. LICHTMAN Real Estate Realtors 227 N.

6th 433-6261 AUTO ACCESSORY STORE Established name in Lehioh Valley for over 40 yrs. A real opportunity for a man who wants to operate his own successful business. Write Box 227 catl-cnronicie. RAR-RFSTAURANT Good going business, good location In South uvptt ritv stihurbs. Excellent local trade.

Call for details. $45,500 Realtor BILL HUBER Open Eves. 395-0393 BARBER SHOP Est. business, all mod ern equip. Fountain Hill, Bethlehem area, for price details.

Ph. 868-8234. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Small town gro cery, netting $1000 per weex. (asn, lana, building, stock 8. equipment.

$24,500. STBOUT REALTY. INC. Schnecksville 799-3900 business PROPERTY With lovely resi lifnm Modern Ranch Home with three (3) acres for expansion. 8 unit modern motel beauty shop.

Excellent condition, doing good business. Located near new Lackawanna State Park. Many extras. Price $85,000. For appointment write Box 353, Clarks Summit, Pa.

18411 or can 717-586-2741. co*ckTAIL LOUNGE Great Opportunity Ideal for Husband Wife EGYPTIAN SANDS 262-8322 or 262-8050 DRY CLEANING Above with large apartment all equipment Building 25x110, 2 levels. Good buy at $75,000. Aged owner retiring. Tremendous potential for energetic go getters.

Call 1-536-1555 DEPAUL REALTY CO. 10 BEAUTIFUL ACRES With cent view of Blue Mountains plus horse barn carriage shed. (18000. FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-9809 124 ACRES Of prime land Ideal for development. With over SOO0 ft.

road frontage. Located In Up- fier Macungie 8 ml. west of Allen-own. Water sewerage will be available. Terms also available.

Please contact R. Turton. L.A. GRAMMES REALTOR 433-5286 (Multi-List) Eves. 434-9198 AVAILABLE lots.

South Side AL SOLITO REAL ESTATE Multi-List 433-5920 BUILDERS V'r acre tract approved for 79 townhouses, water sewerage to property, ad iacent to MacArthur Rd. 837-4051. CHERRYVlLLE HEIGHTS We will build to your specifications or ours. Building lots 100x120 ft. Water, sewerage Curbing.

For Info. Call Louis Tepes 262-7022 or 262-4111. CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS In Top-ton Borough. Sewer, water curbing. Call 215-944-9116 or 215-944-7785.

Rockland Developers Contractors CLEAR-VUE ACRES 120'xl6O', northern section, fine country view, water, underground utilities. STROUT REALTY, INC. Schnedksvllle 799-3900 "CLEAR VUE ACRES" Has beautiful "Home sites" 125' 160' with water 10 minutes north of Allentown $4575 up Build now or later. W.N.J. WIEAND Realtor 509 N.

7th St. Multi-List 433-5852 DON'T FENCE ME IN Nice piece of ground containing 15 acres located in Low Hill Township near the State Game Lands. Beautiful view lots of privacy. Buy now -build later. Priced at $30,000.

Call us for additional information. F. R. EHLE REALTY Realtor Multi-List Ph. 398-0441 MEADOWBROOK Lehigh Valley's Show Place S.W.

area only 5 min. from city center, one-third acre lots, curbs, sts sewer from $6,000. Ph. 434-4836 Eves. 432-0431 Brookhaven PRIME WEST END LOT 221 N.

29th ST. 70x125 beautifully treed shrubbed, sewerage water available. $16,900. FRANKLIN BALLIET REALTOR 709 S.Cedar Crest Blvd. Multi-List Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

433-7411 Eves. 437-2731435-5173965-5985433-1719 QUIET ELEGANCE Beautiful old oak trees on A-l residential 110'x250' lot. No. 25th St. Last of its kind in Allentown.

$23,300. Phone 435-4381. SLATINGTON AREA 595 ft. road frontage. Sewer Water.

Will fin. $4500. Realtor BILL HUBER Open Eves. 395-0393 SPRINGHOUSE FARMS Beautiful lots in South Whitehall's finest residential area. Water sewer included.

Lots $7,100 to $10,900. Minimum home $40,000 incl. lot. Select your own builder. Excellent location.

Temporary directions during road rebuilding: From Crest Plaza qo West on Winchester Rd. 4 blocks to homes. Call for new brochure. ROMA DEVELOPMENT CO. 437-4628 SPRING LAKE VILLAGE Approximately Vj acre lots.

5 min. north of ABE Airport, Country Club Homes 837-1111 WANTEO Building lots for our custom, ers. State size, location, water, sewers and price. Write Hanover Homes, 1108 East Congress Street, Altwn. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

WASHINGTON TWSP. 1 Acre approved building lot. Nice hilltop view $3000 A. Merkel Real Estate 767-5389 WINDY HEIGHTS Ballietsville CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS Water, streets, underground utilities. Parkland Schools.

Choose your own builder. Earl R. Nuss, Contractor 799-3322 RESORTS FOR SALE 79 HIGH AND DRY Best location on Adams Island offers quaint 2 bedrm. bungalow with basem*nt, bath, huge liv. rm.

Share incl $12,000 FRANK J. KLEIN REALTOR MULTI-LIST 439-8566 RESORT LOTS FOR SALE 79A BEAUTIFUL Indian Mt. Lakes 2 Adjoining lots or single, 5 lakes. Good price. Call 439-8006 BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT 1 hr.

drive from Allentown. Free use of lake facilities at Lake Wynonah. 264-3036. IDEAL 5-ACRE RANCH Lake Conchas, New Mexico. $2,075.

No Down. No Interest. $25-mo. Vacation Paradise. Money Maker.

Free Brochure, Ranchos: Box 2001 KA, Aiameaa, California 94501. MOBILE HOME-TRAILERS 80 l-A NEW USED Set up on nice lots WITKO MOBILE HOME PARK Airport Road, Allentown, 264-3953 12'X45' Fully furnished; AC; set up Like -new; must sell immediately. Call 536-9164 or 536-3010. '70 LIBERTY 50x12, 2 br. lovely interior set in park, conv.

to Beth Altwn. Shed other extras. 797-8798. 1970 HARDTOP TENT CAMPER Fully equipped. Excellent condition.

Asking $895. Phone 536-5114 '72 EAGLE 12x65, 4 furnished, carpet thruout, Spanish. Must be seen, its different, used only 2 mos. Call 262-0072. 1972 HILLCREST Used Mobile home for sale in excellent condition.

Call 868-8829 bet. 4 8 p.m. 1973 IS HERE $1000 SAVINGS ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY 1972 HOME IN STOCK. PARK SPACES ONLY 10 MIN. FROM ALLENTOWN MAYO MOBILE HOMES Multi-List Realtor 264-2222 bet.

12 4 Weekdays 398-0411. Anything With Wheels Trade-in-Sale We are overstocked with 1972 models, 1973 homes are arriving daily. We will allow vou $100 on up for anything with wheels towards the purchase of mobile or modular home trom ALL AMERICAN MOBILE MODULAR HOMES, Lehigh Route 309, Allentown, Pa. 797-9552. Free Delivery Setup Within 300 Miles.

PARK SPACES AVAILABLE '67 RICHARDSON 12x60 2 bedrooms, Vi baths. $4,300. Call 439-1072 or 395-9530 Becker Mobile Homes SINGLE HOMES UP TO 70 FT. LONG 24 Ft. Wide Up To 64 Ft.

Long UL Approved Homes Starting at $5900 Park Space Available In Mountainview Mo. bile Home Park Walnutport Mobile Park. Up to 25 Years Financing Available Rt. 145 Walnutport, Pa. 767-5248767-6547 BUY THE HOLIDAY MANOR With baseboard HW Heat Grim's Mobile Homes Hwy.

309, New Tripoli 29S-3046. CARE-FREE VILLAGE HOME SALES 24 FT. WIDE MODULAR 5 LARGE ROOMS $8995 Located Vi mile south of Walnutport on Route 145, Walnutport, (215) 767-3838. FOR SALE 1959 Richardson 10x50. Very good cond.

Call 395-9021 after 4 p.m. AUTOMOBILES 90 1972 STATION WAGON, CAMPER, BUS? Dodoe Sports Waqon. (Van). P.S., P.B,, auto. AM-FM, 6500 miles, used $3600.

Phone 691-6793. 69 T-BIRD 4 Dr. Landau. Excellent con dition. Loaded with options.

$3200. Call 346-8245 '67 THUNDERBIRD Alr-cond. Elec. wind, copper w.wht. Int.

Take over payments. 437-9617 Bef. Noon 264-5829 Aft. 6 P.M. '65 BIRD Conv.

automatic, runs excellent. No rust. $750. Call 262-6184; TRIUMPH TR4A, 1965, Excellent condition. Call 262-9497.

1971 TOYOTA Celica SST sports car, 4 tach, radial tires, bucket seats, excel. low mileage. Ph. 435-7665 '70 TOYOTA Corona, 2 H.T., Very well equipped car in excellent cond. $1595 ROGER PENSKE, Porsche Audi 33rd St.

S.W. Across from Hess't South, Allentonw, Pa. 967-4171 71 VEGA 2 door, 4 cyl. engine, 3 spd. radio, a gorgeous green, 1 owner, $1881.

KNOPF PONTIAC, On Lehigh St. the road to Emmaus, 439-1555. '71 VW Bus, 7 pass. exc. cond.

new Insot. 2 new studded snow tires rims. Call 797-8168 '70 VW New tires. Inspection, brake linings muffler. Best offer.

Call 759-2018. 1970 VW 34,000 new tires plus snows. Excellent condition. Must sell, $1400. Phone 258-3847 70 VW 2 DR.

$75 Down $55.59 Mth. The Perfect Back To School Car For The Young Student. This Beige V.W. is in Showroom Condition And Has Only 20,000 Actual Miles That Can Be Verified By Its Former Owner. A Car of This Caliber Moves Fast.

So Act Fast, Comes Fully Equipped. And Our Full Price is Onlv $1475.00 Payments Computed at 30 mths. Apr. 12.89 Def. raym.

rian sito.u. SUPERFINE VOLVO 1 328 Tilghman Allentown 437-4693 '70 VOLKS Fastback, auto, Stereo tape. $1595 ROGER PENSKE, Porsche Audi, 33rd St. S.W. Across from Hess's South Allentown, Pa.

967-4171 '69 VOLKS BEETLE. $1195. ROGER PENSKE, Porsche Audi, 33rd St. S.W. across from Hess's South, Allentown, Pa.

967-4171 '69 VW New tires, snow tires, trailer hitch, exc. cond. Asking $1100. Ph. 1-377-1484 '6 VOLKS Squareback Sta.

Wagon, Auto. $1495 ROGER PENSKE Porsche Audi, 33rd St. S.W. Across from Hess's South, Allentown, Pa.967-417L 1969 VW SUNROOF Playtape radio, many extras Call 837-1665 '68 VW Auto, stlckshlft. Good condition.

Phone 797-8584 after 6 P.M. '68 VW Fastback, dark green, real sharp, fully equipped, sun roof, air, etc. 435-8726 '68 VW BUG RED 1 owner, clean, low mileage, radio, snow tires. 433-0302 '68 VOLKSWAGEN, ONE OWNER White with Black Interior JELCHNER GARAGE, NEFFS, 767-4395 '67 VW BEETLE New shocks, snow tires, 1 owner. Priv.

For quick sale '67 VW BEETLE Sunroof. R8.H. Snow tires $750. Phone 395-0134 '67 VW Brand new engine, needs body work, a steal at $500. WILLIAMS PONTIAC DATSUN Rt.

100 8, 73 Boyertown 367-2961 '67 VW Conv. Excellent condition. A-title. Must be seen to be appreciated. 3421 Oxford Circle So.

or Ph. 395-3806 '67 VOLKSWAGEN Light blue B-Title. AM-FM Grundig radio. In A-l condition. Call 867-2289 between 1 1 p.m.

7 a.m. '66 VW BUS Snow fires.Lots of extras. $900. Call 797-0005. '66 VW Copper brown paint, lacing, '68 interior, new tires, new inspection, asking $850.

Call 264-8157. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Good condition with new motor $650. Call (717) 992-6990. 1965 VW BUG Radio, white wall tires, good paint, good condition, $625. Call after 5 P.M., 432-7517.

1964 VOLKSWAGEN BUS Clean. $625. Call 435-3320 between 8 3. VOLKSWAGEN SALES SERVICE LEHIGH VALLEY AATR. SALES INC 1346 Lehigh St.


1 OWNER $195 TRADING POST INC. 2 LOCATIONS 301 E. Hamilton St. 711 Hanover Ave. 435-8662 434-4113 1ST IN VALUE CARS SELLING FOR $395 UP HAVE 30 DAYS GUARANTEE Price Per Mo.

'67 T-B I 2 dr, H.T $1195 $62 '67 BUICK Conv 795 $42 '67 FORD Wgn 795 $42 '66 FORD 4 dr 495 $26 '65 CHEVY-4 dr. 395 $21 '64 LINCOLN 4 dr. 495 $26 '64 VW Conv 395 $21 '63 CHEVY. Wgn 295 $16 '63 DART 4 dr 195 $10 '62 FAIRLANE 2 dr $195 $10 Based on 24 9V. discount in.

SNYDER'S 435 Hanover Allentown 437-4041 2 JAGUAR Classic Roadsters 120 Model. Write to Box 155, Call-Chronicle. A-l CONDITION '72 Pont. GP (used), P.S., P.B., P. windows, air, AM-FM, stereo tape, tilt wheel.

Weekdays call 433-7764. Eves. weekends 432-1634 Action Auto Sales '68 CHARGER, AUTO, SHARP $1595 '67 CAMARO R.S., AUTO, SHARP $1395 '67 MALIBU S.S., AUTO, SHARP '66 RAMBLER, 4 SPEED, 327, NICE 695 '66 MUSTANG, 4 SPEED, V-8, NICE $695 '65 MUSTANG, (2), 3 SPEED, 6, NICE $595 1313 Tilghman Altwn 439-0030 BANK REPOSSESSIONS Must sell, 1968 VW Bus, 21971 VW'S, 1972 CHEVY Chevelle P.S., auto, AC, '71 CHEVY Camaro 4 spd. '70 CHEVY Nova SS396 4 spd. Weekdays 8:30 A.M.

to 5 P.M., Call 433-4171 after 5:30 Saturdays. Call 264-9817. CADILLACS SEE JBYAUTO SALES 1144 Union Blvd. Ph. 434-7723 FINE SELECTION MONT'RY 2 dr.

Hdtp $2795 MUSTANG F.B., 4 spd $2995 FURY III 2 dr. Hdtp $795 NEW YORKER A.C., P.S., P.B. $2595 B'VILLE Hdtp. loaded $3095 B'VILLE Hdtp. full pwr $1295 OPEL 4 red $995 MUSTANG M-l, 4 spd $1995 OLDS 98 Loaded $895 TEMPEST 4 dr.

sdn. air $1895 B'VILLE 4 Dr. H.T. air $2595 LTD 4 Dr. H.T., air $1995 OLDS Conv.

Air $3395 PLYM. Wgn. Cust Sub $1995 VALLEY Lincoln-Mercury 801 Union Altwn. 439-0420 439-0429 FOREIGN CARS 90 1962 CHEV. IMPALA 2 Dr.

HT, 327. V8. Auto trans. P.St. 8, P.Br.

$245. Call 433-3561 1961 CHEV. 6 Cyl. Auto. sioa.

Call 437-9789 '57 CHEVY 2 dr. HT, 327, 350 HP, fully loaded, excellent condition. Phone 1-863-5086 aft. 4 p.m. 55 CHEVY V-8 Automatic, as Is, $125.

Call 967-1788 CHEVROLET Sta. Wgn. '68 Caprice, 9 V-8, Air Radio Heater, $l0. 86-JZ5V. '69 CHRYSLER 300 2 dr.

H.T., A.T., P.S., P.B., stereo tape, cruise control, clas-sv. $1781. KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehioh the road to Emmaus 439-1555. '69 CHRYS. Newport, 4 H.T., Factory air one owner, 39000 miles $1500.

ROGER PENSKE Porsche Audi, 33rd St. S.W. Across from Hess't South Allentown, Pa. 967-4171. '66 CHRY.

Newport, 4 dr. sdn. V8, auto Str. BEIL'S PLYM. VAL.

Sales Service, 21 Siegfried, Northampton 262-4579. '69 CHRYSLER 4 Hdtp. Factory Air 47,000 miles $1895. WEST END SALES S. SERVICE 28thJ.

Walbert Ave. 433-2661 '62 CHRYSLER NEWPORT P.B., P.S., good running, must sell this week. $195. 4J2-8J34. 1965 COMET 2 dr.

sdn. 6 Cvl. Automatic Yellow with black white interior. $395. Call 262-5426 after 5 p.m.

1971 CONTINENTAL MARK 111 FM stereo, leather interior, special paint. all options, like new. Ph. 433-7990 '67 CORVAIR Corsa Conv. 4 Sod.

Ex cellent condition. Like new. Needs nothingl tan 264-1407 atter 3 p.m. '65 CORVAIR Convertible, 140 HP, 4 speed, good mechanically, needs body work, best offer. Call 865-2676.

63 CORVAIR Monza, A.T., New starter, tires, battery, shocks brakes. Body engine good no leaks $295. Ph. 437-6343 days, 967-3419 eves. 70 CORVETTE Conv.

350 4 spd. air cona. r.w. Call 767-6371 or 767-6866. '70 CORVETTE Silver coupe, exe.

cond. low mileage. Weekdays-Evening. Call 1-598-3929. '68 CORVETTE Coupe, 327 350 hp, PS, power disc brakes, power AM-FM radio, low 1 owner, 797-0026 aft.

5. '66 CORVETTE Conv. 327, 300 factory side pipes. Shearp I I Ph. 1-562-4814 H.P., 65 CORVETTE Coupe 327 365 H.P., Cra- ger mags, side pipes, leather interior.

Sharp. Ph. 797-5648 after 5 P.M. '65 CORVETTE Cpe. New engine paint.

Must be seen. $2200 firm. Call 435-5025 1964 CORVETTE Hardtop. Red. Side Pipes, mag wheels, comp.

new drive line, new Int. paint. Call after 5 p.m., 536-5396. '63 CORVETTE 4 spd. 327.

2 tops. Call 1-826-6251 '63 CORVETTE 327, 4 spd. fact, side pipes, chrome reverse wheels, new paint. Sharp PJr 262-861L '62 CORVETTE 3274 Speed, $1250. '68 Pontiac, 6 Auto.

2 Dr. Phone 767-6055 '70 DATSUN 2000 5 spd! 31,000 mi. Many extras. $1 700. Very nice.

Worth more. Call 865-4437 '70 DATSUN Auto. 510, 4 dr. A title, Aqua. Like new cond.

Can be seen at 3205 S. 3rd Hokendauqua. '69 DATSUN 510 Wgn. new tires snows, exc. cond.

$1195. Ph. 767-3685 PJVL '67 DATSUN 4 Dr. 4 speed. RH.

runs very good, blue $595. HANCHICK LERCH Used Cars 3418 Freemansburg Beth. 868-8891 '66 DATSUN 1600 2 tops, 1 Hard 7 wheels, snow tires, road ready call 432-3756 '64 DATSUN Sport, handy man special. Good runnina needs lots of body work. Best otter.

Ph. 79-B66V. '71 DEMON 2 Dr. HT, V-8 engine, AT, PS, Vinyl Top, Classified's best $2254. KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh St.

the road to Emmaus 439-1555. '72 DODGE Challenger (Used) 340. 4 sod. Loaded. Immaculate cond.

Very low mile age. Best Otter. 262-4663. '72 DODGE DEMON 340. Used.

Auto. PS. Air shocks. Mags. J60 tires.

Tach. Immaculate cond. Call 1-562-8709. 1970 DODGE Polara. Green, 4 H.T., V-8 P.S., P.B., vinyl top, air cruise control, txcei.

cond. $1995. Ph. 437-5823 or 799-3033 '66 DODGE Dart. 270.

Fact. air. P.S. Auto. A title.

Exc. cond. Best offer. Call 264-3036 1966 DODGE DART Like new, 6 38,000 miles, 5 very good tires, $795. Call 965-8268, after 5 :30 P.M.

965-8403. '65 DODGE Coronet Conv. P.S. automatic trans, Real sharp. $895.

KRAUSE INC. SCHNECKSVILLE 799-3166 "72 DUNE BUGGY Blue flake, white interior top, many extras. St. legal, must sell for $1395. Call 691-8191.

1971 DUNE BUGGY $1000 OR BEST OFFER. CALL 967-1328 1969 DUNE BUGGY 4 speed red metal flake, soft top, bucket seats, 1600 mo tor, excellent condition has zipper curtains. $1275. Call 691-5951. 70 DUSTER Excel cond, orig owner, auto, 29,000 miles.

Call 439-0909. Leaving country must sell. 1966 EL CAMINO 283 V-8 auto, air white w-blk. tarp. Phone 432-8479 '69 FALCON 6 cyl.

auto trans. state inspt. $895. Ph. 967-2624 '64 FALCON Sprint 260 hi-perf.

cus. paint, chrome reverse, 4 new E78X14's $595. Ph. 965-5863 after 5:30 Wkdays. FIAT The New 850 Spyder, A Sports Car You Can Afford ONLY $2413 Delivered in Allentown J.

H. BENNETT INC. 2300 Hanover Allentown, Pa. 435-9061 '72 FORD Pinto-Run-a-bout. Auto.

2,000 cc. AM-FM. Custom int. ext. Opt.

tires. Disc brakes. Mud guards. Must sell. 967-4443.

'71 FORD Country Sedan, 10 P.S. P.B., air excel, $2900. Call 1-679-5993 '71 FORD LTD Brougham, clean, air P.S., P.B., stereo radio, $2750. '68 Jaguar XKE concourse low mileage, $3150. Ph.

1-536-4357. '71 FORD ECONOLINE Van 100. Excellent condition $2100 Phone 868-5384 '69 FORD GALAX IE 4 Dr. Fac. Air New Tires.

No. 2 insp. $995 Rec'd. Comp. Car.

264-5870 1969 FORD LTD, P.S. Factory air conditioning. $1700 Call 767-8531 '68 FORD Gal. 500 4 dr. AT, PS, dean priced to sell $1136.

KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh the road to Emmaus, 439-1555. '68 FORD Gal. 500, hardtop, 390 cu. in. V8, A.T., P.S., A-C, white sidewalls $950.

Ph. 432-8618. 1968 FORD Wagon, V-8, auto. P.S.. P.

disc brakes, fact, air, $1300 or best offer. Call 435-3679 evenings. '67 FORD FAIRLANE 4 DR. $75 Down $43.21 Mth. The Perfect 2nd Car For Any Family.

This Dark Green Fairlane 500 is in Excellent Condition And Ready For Your Fall and Summer Drive. Come Test Drive This One. Our Full Price -Is $975.00 Apr. 12.91 payments Computed At 24 Mths. Def.

Paym. Plan $1037.04 Comes Equipped With Radio, Heater, Auto Trans. And Many Extras. SUPERFINE VOLVO 1967 FORD Falcon 4 dr. Future, 6 P.S.

32,000 ml. extra snow tires. Excel, back to school transp. Ph. 759-0322.

'65 FORD T-Bird, H.T., V-8, Auto, P.S., P.B., Radio, Vinyl top, A-l Condition. $895. '68 BUICK LeSabre, 4 H.T., V-8, P.S., P.B., Radio, Air Condition, Vinyl top. Local one owner. $1795 FALKS PONTIAC INC.

623 Howertown Catasauqua 264-1871 CLEANING OUT ATTIC? Sell items under "Articles for Sale" quick results. for NEW Office Space AVAILABLE 8,000 Square Feet Will Divide LAFAYETTE TOWERS Across From Easton Hospital For Information Call Mon. thru Fri. 253-711 AUTOMOBILES DELIVERY BUSINESS are looking far Indeoendent contractors to deliver new furniture in the Greater A-B-E area. Steady year round work.

Net $14,000 to $16,000 per year. Investigate our liberal contract. Must oe pleasant, oona-able and able to lease a 26 ft. van. Requires sllnn investment.

Call 215-692-4506 or Write Merchants Home Delivery Service, 1413 Carriage Lane, West Chester, Pa 9380. for sale OR RENT Established Bar ber Shop, fully equipped. For information call 439-9377, Ground. Bucks County 9 Acres plus, over 1600 ft. road frontage, 350 ft.

oepin, in country, nice location 2 Acres Plus, over 400 ft. road frontage, 200 ft. depth, in country. 19 Acres Plus, over 2800 ft. road frontage, 350 ft.

depth, in country lovely setting. We have more parcels Call 1-536-1555 DEPAUL REALTY CO. GULF STATION FOR LEASE ALLENTOWN PH. INCOME Property on Saylor's Lake, Saylorsburg, Pa. 2 story cottage, 2 furnished sleeos 8 ea.

Can be converted to year around living. Hunting, fishing, swimmina. boating. Ice skating. Call for appt.

(717) 421-0170 or (717) 897-6343 MAJOR Snowmobile manufacturer seek ing aqqressive dealers in general area. For information call (7)7) 839-7161. MUSIC STORE 12 Studios, sales, repair area, franchises. Great potential. Inventory, equipment real estate.

Write Box 246 Call-Chronicle. NOW LEASING Space for drug store In new shopping center in toopersDurg, exc. loc. For more infor. appt.

2820 1 80. PnfONO INVESTMENTS 12 Lots on Lake Wallenpaupack, with Cot tages on 3, ready for sale or renr. tnioy Poconos and make money at the same time. Combine Business with Pleasure. DePAUL REALTY CO.

Call 1-536-1555 SHARPENING SERVICE Equipment 8, business. Equipment like new. Worked on part time basis. Ph. 837-0738 after INVESTMENTS STOCKS 85 LOCAL I pay back $100 a week for 5 years.

Write P.O. Box 371, Allentown, Pa. 18105. MONEY TO LOAN 86 FASTEST AUTO LOANS IN TOWNI ALL 6 UNION BANKS 867-3971 MONEY TODAY-NO DELAY $30 to $600 PERSONAL THRIFT PLAN 38 N. 7th Allentown 433-3241 AUTOMOBILES 90 '72 AMERICAN MOTORS Gremlin, auto, used 10,500 miles, A-title, owner will trade.

$1972. Ph. 432-0180. '69 AMX 290 4 spd. cpe.

rclg. seats, mags 6 wheels, snow tires. Tape AM-FM, v.g.cond.,$1975. Ph. 433-4923.

'66 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite, conv. exc. cond. economical. Ph.

262-3256 after 5 P.M. Weekends anytime. '67 Belvidere 2 Dr. 6 cyl. 3 spd.

a blue beautv. $818 KNOPF PONTIAC, on Lehigh St. the road to tmmaus, 4jy-iaw. '65 BUICK Conv. Spc, V-8, auto, very good engine, trans, too tires.

Needs mi nor body work. $475. After 5 P.M. 395-1662. '60 BUICK Conv.

best offer. Ph. 439-9453 '72 CADILLAC Conv. 3,000 mi. white-blk too, fullv eauio.

incl. air cond, stereo, dual 90 tires. Ph. 434-5941 aft 5 PM '71 CAD Sdn. DeVille Loaded, Air '70 CAD Cpe DeVille Loaded, Air '69 CUTLASS Supreme Loaded, Air HILLSIDE MOTORS, Emmaus 965-9058 1970 CADILLAC El Dorado, excel, gold with brown vinyl top, 40,000 turnpike miles, always maintained oy dealer ser.

vice, A-C, P.W., P.B., P.S., 6 way seat, auto, truck latch, tilt wheel, AM-FM stereo, new tires, have 4 cars need 3. $4000. Ph. 258-5051. '65 CADILLAC Conv.

air cond. full pow er, looks runs exc. Private buy. Lang's Sunoco N. 7th St.

Pike, Ph. 434-3488. '71 CAMARO Z28 4 Spd. Fully Loaded. Call 395-2274 or 395-1407 '69 CAMARO Rally Sport, 327 Turbo, P.S., posi $1800.

Phone 694-5413 before 4:30 P.M. '67 CAMARO 327-2 BBL. 4 Buckets, Console, gages, Air Cond. 797-2065 '68 CAPRI 4 Dr. H.T., Auto.

P.S. WELSH CHEVROLET Route 309 Coopersburg 282-1050 '65 CAR AVELLE Sports car. New paint ob. 2 new tires. New racing mirror pius conv.

top 8, hardtop. $475. Ph. 433-4416. nn riTil in A 6 Pass.

Waoon, A.T.. P.S., P.B., air cruise control, lots of room. $2866. KNOPF PONTIAC on Lenign St. the road to Emmaus 439-1555 '68 CAT ALINA 2 dr sedan, vinyl top, air, P.S., P.B., looks like new.

Runs great, $1950. 395-0224. 65 CAT ALINA 4 dr. auto. P.B.

P.S. Very good shape. Insp. $300. tan 4J4-u-uay.

wwevc. '64 CATALINA CONV. Auto. V8. P.S.

P.B. $200. Call 435-8878 '68 CHEVELLE Sedan, 6 cyl. stick, 35,000 orig. miles.

S675. Ph. 967-4595 67 CHEVELLE 2 dr. sedan, 6 cyl. good cond.

Asking $795. fn. BJ-SI40 '66 CHEVELLE Malibu, 6 cyl. auto, good cond. Ideal 2nd car.

Reasonable. CaN 767-61 39 u. fHFVELLE SS. 396. Holly.

Edel brock, Isky, head work, headers, G60's, stereo, special flake paint, many extras, Must sell. Best offer. Call 435-7766 CHEVELLE SS 396. 325 HP, HolleV, P.S P.B., mags chrome reverse, 4 speed, good firm $800. 262-9075.

1964 CHEVELLE 2 dr. hardtop. 6 Automatic. A-l condition $595 ROCKY'S Used Cars, Macungie, 965-9666 '71 CHEV. Caprice 2 Dr.

vinyl roof, 3 extra new tires, A-C. Am-Fm stereo tapes, cruise control, full power, excel. cond. Call 435-5772 or 432-5944. '71 CHEV.

IMPALA Vinyl blue top over silver. Low mileage. Like new. 4 Dr. HT.

P.S. PB.Jmmac Save $2850. 436422. '70 CHEVY Nova, 2 dr. coupe, 6 auto.

P.S. 16,000 orig. miles. Like new. $1975.

Ph. 433-3561 1969 CHEVROLET Caprice, 4 vinyl top, auto. V-8, P.S., P.B., air tinted glass, AM-FM radio, many other extras. Call 759-0787 or See at 91 Birchwood Dr, Nazareth. '69 CHEVROLET Kingswood wgn 6 327 auto, P.S., P.B., tact, air, tinted windows, excel, cond.

Ph. 395-0469. '68 CHEVY BelAir. 4 dr. P.S.

Gold. $850. Private patty. Call 767-8807, 1968 CHEVY. II Cpe.

6 Cylinder. 3 Speed. AM-FM radio. $900. Call 252-5786 to7 HFvy II S.

2 dr. hardtop. 6 Automatic. A-1 condition $950 ROCKY'S Used Cars, Macungie, 965-9666 '67 CHEVROLET 4 Door, 6 Red. $995 GUTSHALL CHEVROLET 1730 Main Hellertown 838-7021 '65 CHEVY Impala 2 dr.

H.T., SS, 327 engine, P.S., runs excellent, losJikejiejustje2Lh1J522 '63 CHEVY 9 Pasgr. Sta. Wgn. Motor comp. overhauled new muffler system.

Needs 1 fender, $300. Ph. 432-8485. bet 9 2, 1962 CHEV Impala, blue! Needs Some engine work. Best offer.

Call 434-9929 '62 CHEVY Impala. 4 dr. HT. V8, auto. PS.

New insp. Exc. transportation. $135. Ph.

435-9669 or 691-3180. ONE AND ONLY 1972 Travel King Tent Trailer Opens to Wi', Sleeps Six, Sink, Stove, Heater, Propane Tanks. Brand New $1845.00 SALE 1575 i PRICE 2801 LEHIGH ST. ALLENTOWN, PA. 90 '67 FORD Fairlane XL 2 dr.

H.T. JIM SOLOMON AUTO SALES 2157 W. Broad St, Beth 165-105 '65 FORD Gaiaxle. 4 Dr. V8.

Auto, frani! Good cond. $400. B68-440l alter p.m. 64 FORD Fairlane, 4 dr. black, very new tires, 6 auto, very reliable.

$375. rn. toi'toto '64 FORD Galaxie 500. Burgundy with black interior. CALL 73-Oy4 64 FORD Galaxie, 2 door HT, V-8, 1 owner, 47,000 orig.

miles. Price $3V5. lan 4j4-ujyu '63 FORD 2 to choose from. Auto. $150.

JIM SOLOMON AUTO SALES 2157 W. Broad Beth. 865-1700 71 GALAXIE 500 4 Door, V-8 Engine, Radio, Auto. Power steering, power uraxes, vinyl koot, Local 1 Owner Trade, Exceptional. Choose from a Selection of (4).

Hurry For Best Selection. $2488 KELLY FORD 17th 8. Tilghman Altwn. 434-6256 '70 HORNET 30,000 miles, automatic $1500. Call 967-5411.

'68 IMPALA 4 vinyl top, P.S.1 P.B., looks like new. Runs Great. $1,500. 395-0224 '62 JAGUAR MK II, 3.8 Touring Sedan. Fine condition.

Best offer. 433-8198 JEEPS With GOOD service 100 guar, antee. not 50-50. ECCHER'S JEEPS, Fern- dale, S. of Easton, 847-5155 "Open Eves" KARMANN GHIA 1968 Automatic, excellent condition Call 797-5661 '71 LEMANS 2 dr HT.

V-8 eng. AT, PS, a blue beauty, $2868 KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh The road to Emmaus 439-1555. '64 LeMANS CONVERTIBLE 326, 4 speed. Mechanically good. Phone 264-8121.

'65 MALIBU convertible, 327 4 spd. Call 868-8028 aft. 5 pm '65 MERCURY Cyclone 289 Hl-perfor-mance, 4 speed. Needs little work, headers included. $700 firm.

262-2940 '69 MG MIDGET White. Black interior. Excellent rubber. Good roof. New paint.

Clean. $1045. Call 759-2792. '66 MG Midget conv. 4 spd.

trans, as is mechanics special $651. KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh St. the road to Emmaus 439-1555. 1967 MGB GT New paint, new transmission. Excellent condition.

$900. Call 791-1090 before 4 p.m. 1970 MUSTANG Boss 302 4 $1900 takes it. Call 285-2888 after 3:30 p.m. '67 MUSTANG 22 fastback.

351 cu. In. 4 spd. trans. Stereo tape.

New tires 8, fact, maos. New paint. Must be seen to appre ciate. Exc. cond.

Call 691-8438 '66 MUSTANG Conv. V-8, A.T., P.S., Console a teenaoe runabout. $977. KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh St. the road to tmmaus 4jy-isM.

'65 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 4 Speed, 289 $795. Phone 434-0900 '65 MUSTANG Conv. 289, 4 spd. with P.S., exc. cond.

Ph. 691-3935 or 867-5025. '71 NOVA Rally, 6 cyl. 13,000 miles, exc. cond.

$1900 Ph. 435-4256 '72 OLDS Cutlass S. 2 H.T., 4 speed, P-S, P-B, 15,000 miles. $3295. ROGER PENSKE Porsche Audi, 33rd sr.

s.w, Across from Hess's South, Allentown, Pa 967-4171. '69 OLDS Cutlass automatic, P.S., P.B., vinyl roof, low mileage Call 437-6936 '69 OLDS Delta 88, beautiful 2 dr. H.T. full oower. vinvl too 8.

air cond. $1595. Ph. 767-2064, 317 Spruce Walnutport '68 OLDS "98" Sport Coupe 2 snow tires, P.S., P.B., P.W., AM-FM. Very clean.

Reas. 691-6818 aft. 5 P.M. '68 OLDS Cutlass green over green, auto, P.B., bucket seats, new battery a. Tires, ibi-am.

68 OLDS Cutlass Supreme; 4 dr. hard top AC; many extras; Excellent condition Must sell. Call 536-9164 or 536-3010. '66 OLDS Vista Cruiser, 9 pass. P.BH P.S., good cond.

$1095. Ph395-29J0 '62 OLDS "88" 2 Dr. Hardtop. Latest inspection. Good condition $195.

Phone 437-0393 1971 OPEL GT Model 77. Best offer, vate party. Call 435-7572 or 437-4006 Prl- 1963 OPEL Station Wagon. Good condition $200. Phone 432-6580 after 4 P.M.

'72 PINTO 2 dr. 2000 eng. accent group. Auto, trans the ideal women's car $2177. KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh St the road to emmaus, 4JV-I3M.

1971 PINTO 4 radio, heater, Faust Sales Service, Trexlertown. Phone 395-2829. '70 PLYMOUTH Road Runner, excellent condition, 383 4 speed, 850 holly 16,000 miles, can 437-3771 1970 PLYMOUTH Roadrunner, 4 excel, cond. Faust Sales Service, Inc. Trexlertown.

395-2829. 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 4 Dr. hardtop jbj, vinyl roor, tacTory air, p.b., p.b.. Power windows, factory stereo tape. Cruise Control.

46,000 miles. $1450. Phone 432-7549 after 5:30 p.m. 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury III, V8 Auto. Air Cond.

P.S. P.B. Immaculate condition. Will sell for $1395. Call 691-8191 '69 PLYMOUTH GTX 440, Torque Flite, mags $1500 or offer.

Phone 433-2066 after 6 p.m. '67 PLYMOUTH FURY I Sta. Wag. P. St.

Auto. R.8.H. V-8. Best offer. Call 967-5292.

1967 PLYMOUTH Val. 6 auto. Sdn. Runs real good. Good on gas, No rust.

Insp. Asking $600. CaNafter 4 P.Mi433-8334. 1966 PLYM. Fury 4 dr.

sdn. Auto. P.S. 4 New tires. Low mileage.

Exc. cond. 2 Mounted snow tires incl. Asking $799. Call 865-2081.

'65 PLYMOUTH Belvidere II, sta. 8 auto, P.S., P.B., very clean $595. Ph. 767-6732 wgn. '64 PLYMOUTH Fury.

V8, auto. New Insp. Looks 8, runs good, $295. Trade accepted. Ph.

435-9669 or 691-3180. '71 PONTIAC VENTURA 2 door, V8 auto, P.S. air, a suburban sensation, $2729. KNOPF PONTIAC, on Lehigh St. the road to Emmaus, 439-1555 '70 PONTIAC Executive 6 pass.

wgn. 8 auto, P.S., P.B., air cond. roof rack, white vinyl roof, gold outside, tan inside, low mileage, other extras. $3495 now $2995. Ph.

767-6732. '70 PONT. LeMans Sport. Local one owner car, air cond. 17000 miles $2795.

ROGER PENSKE. Porsche Audi, 33rd St. S.W. Across from Hess's South, Allentown Pa. 967-4171 '69 PONTIAC Bonneville, Convertible, Clean.

1 Owner $1895 GATLING BUICK-OPEL INC. RT. 309 S. QUAKERTOWN 536-5725 '68 PONTIAC Cataiina, 2 dr. H.T., 8 auto.

P.S., P.B., air cond. rear defroster, black vinyl roof, green outside, black Inside $1795 now $1495. Ph. 767-6732. '68 PONTIAC Tempest A.T..

excel cond, $1200 or best offer. Call 264-0109 aft 4 P.M. Mon thru Fri. all day Sat. 8.

Sun. '68 PONTIAC Tempest, 2 dr. HT, V-8, automatic, P.S., very good mechanical cond. $700. Ph.

298-3238 aft. 5 p.m '67 PONTIAC Bonneville Conv. All power accessories. AM-FM, 428 cu. in.

Must sell $750. Ph. 437-9732 or 395-7428. '67 PONTIAC GTO 400 4 speed, disc brakes, 44,000 orig. mi.

Excel, cond. $1150. Call 797-9575. 1966 PONTIAC Tempest 2 326 V8, P.S., P.B., air cond. Make offer.

Ph. 439-1841 1966 PONTIAC 9 Pass. sta. P.B., automatic, $695. Miller Auto Sales 433-6533.

P.S., '66 PONTIAC Le Mans Convertible, 326 auto trans console bucket seats runs iooks grear. 262-7282 after 5. 1966 PONTIAC- LeMans. V-8 2 dr. hardtop.

Latest inspection. Gd. condition. sacriticing ar swa. Knone 433-7087.

PONTIAC RARE 1966 22 Good condition. Fast, excellent handling big car. Call 437-6102 Evenings. 1969 RAMBLER Standard. Excellent condition.

Call 867-1258. '67 RAMB. Amb. Conv. Today only $295.

JIM SOLOMON AUTO SALES 2157 W. Broad St, Beth 865-1700 '67 RAMB. Amer. stk. Very clean $595.

JIM SOLOMON AUTO SALES 2157 W. Broad Beth. 865-1700 2 1965 RAMBLERS 1 Sta. 1 sedan. Sell as pair.

$400. Call 435-2330. 68 RENAULT 4 dr. std. trans.

R.H. Ex- eel lent cond. Insp. $300. Call 434-7258-Day.

395-2970-Eve. '69 ROADRUNNER Must see to appreciate, 383 cu. 4 must sell. Please call: 1-234-8855 or 1-234-8307. '69 ROADRUNNER 383 4 spd.

loaded, chrome wide tires, traction bars, tape, tach. 8, more. Exc cond. Sacrifice 965-5744. '70 SATELLITE Sta.

Wgn. A.T., P.S., air Vinyl Top, luggage rack. Factory Fresh. $2453 KNOPF PONTIAC on Lehigh the road to Emmaus 439-1555. 66 SI MCA Newly inspected.

4 Cyl. 4 Spd. 4 Dr. Runs excellent. $225.

Call 691-6297 or 691-5715 '68 T-BIRD $1495 Loaded Excellent Condition '69 T-BIRD $1795 Loaded, Low Miles PERSING 1008 $. 4th St Allentown 797-7077 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 90 CORVETTES Coupes convertibles In stock now! Bank financing insurance arranged. KROWN AUTO SALES 1805 Hanover Ave. Ph. 437-3204 1971 DUNE BUGGY $1000 OR BEST OFFER CALL 967-1328 MARTIN VOLKSWAGEN HAS 1072 EXECUTIVE CARS DEMONSTRATORS ON SALE 3001 MACARTHUR RD.


$3295 '70 CHEV. IMP. CPE $2195 '69 DODGE MONACO SDN. A.C $2195 '69 DODGE MONACO CP. A.C.

$2195 '69 FORD L.T.D. CP. A.C $1895 '67 PONTIAC CATA. SW $1195 '70 CHEV. MONTE CARLO A.C $2595 '67 OPEL 4 Speed $595 '66 BUICK LESABRE SDN 795 '71 BUICK ESTATE WAGON A.C.


TRANS $395 '68 T-BIRD POWERED A.C $1995 '67 BUICK ELEC. CONV. A.C. $1295 '69 BUICK LESABRE A.C $1695 '70 BUICK ELEC. A.C $319S '70 OPEL CP.

AUTO $1195 '70 DODGE POLARA SDN. A.C $1295 '67 DODGE DART G.T 895 '70 PLY DUSTER AC $1795 '70 FORD MAVERICK CP $1495 '68 PONTIAC FIREBIRD CONV. MILLER BUICK -1 2001 Hanover Ave. 439-1441 NO DOWN PAYMENT Sale Wk '67 CAMARO V-8, A-T, mags $12 '68 VOLKS Bug, sharp 995 $11 '67 CAPRICE-4 Dr. H.T 995 $11 67 CHEVELLE 2 Dr.

H.T., loaded $1095 $12 66 TEMPEST 2 Dr. H.T., clean $595 7 '68 SKYLARK loaded. $1195 $13 '65 SKYLARK 4 Air, full pwr. 595 7 Payments based on annual rate of 9.5 per 100 at 30 36 months MOTORS 2608 MacArthur Rd. 439-1591 next to Nestor'l SACRIFICE SALE 1967 Camaro, V-8, low auto trans PS WW tires.

Must dispose of immediately. Will listen to any reasonable offer. Call 437-2097. USED CAR specials: '66 VOLVO 4 dr. Sedan '68 GMC Suburban '63 FORD Fairlane 500 WILLIAM BERG INC.

VOLVO Lehigh Valley's Original Volvo Dealer 3600 Hartley Avenue Easton, Pa. Phone 253-6132 WRONA PONTIAC CADILLAC Pa's youngest most aggressive Dealers 18 S. Main Quakertown 536-5670 ANTIQUE CLASSIC CARS 90A 1949 HUDSON Commodore, 284)00 orig. mi. i Call 691-2993 after 4 PM MARTIN VOLKSWAGEN Will gladly Honor your VW warranty regardless of where you bought your car.

30UI MacArrnur Kg. 439-14M 1948 PLYMOUTH Excel, new In spection paint, must sacrifice, best offer. can 691-19n AUTO TIRES PARTS 90B THREE Classic 3" Whitewalls. Raised US Royal. 7.60x15.

Tubeless. Deep tread. Phone 433-4386 1957 CHEVROLET Less engine transmission Call 965-8276 '57 CHEVY Nomad body. Best reasonable offer. Call 799-3435 327 CHEVY ENG.

Complete. Dodge trans. Valiant trans. Also '65 Pontiac '55 DeSoto, both insp. Ph.

767-2414. A SHOCKING EXPERIENCE Hijackers complete $38.45 MILFORD SPEED SHOP 1-536-8000 CHEt HERBERT ROLLER CAM KIT With gear drive. 640 left, 320 duration. Cost $513. Best offer.

Also 427 Stroker crank, over. Invested $450. Best offer. Call 435-6397 after 5. '66 GTO Auto, air, P.B., P.S., body good, cracked block, best offer.

Ph. 683-7831 LUCAS RACING ENTERPRISES Speed Equip, now in stock. Installation, 13th Ave. Clay Beth. 867-1822 '61 MGA For parts.

Poor engine. Good transmission rear. Wire wheels. Best of-fer over $75. Call 395-0669 after 5 p.m.

NEED TIRES? Buy at Huge discount Examples: 775x14. 4 ply W-w $15.69 tax 825x14 4 ply w-w $17.84 tax 775x15 4 ply w-w $15.95 tax All sizes and types available. 2136 Hanover Ave. Central Park Arco. 437-3495 Free Da-livery RT SPEED ASSOCIATES Rte.

309, Coopersburg, Pa. 282-1726 Custom Machine Shop Service, Installation serv. We've expanded to serve you better. AUTO UNDERCOATING 90D CARS, TRUCKS, CAMPERS George's Sunoco, 1981 Chestnut St. Emmaus, 965-9969 TRUCKS FOR SALE 91 72 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCK GVW lbs.

ready to go CHOICE OF THREE GORHAM CHEVROLET Old Rouie 22 Easton 258-2386 '68 CHEV. Vj Ton pickup 8 ft. Fleetside. 6 Stick RH $995 TOMS 395-2134 '68 CHEVROLET Ton 4 wheel drive, V8, 4 speed, $2299. MUELLER CHEVROLET Walnut Slatington 767-3889 1967 CHEVY Van 108, new paint, ex-cellent cond.

$1295. Miller Auto Sales, 117 433-6533 1964 CHEV TRUCK Fine condition, now in daily use by builder. New tires, utility body double racks. Reasonable price. Call 437-4409 or 432-8504.

CHEVROLET'S PICK UP LUV Light Utility Vehicle $2195 plus transp. 9 to choose from 1 HAUSER CHEVROLET 410 W. Union Blvd. 868-85T1 '69 FORD PICKUP, V-8, Camper Top. Perfect $1795.

GEO. WERLEY, Tilghman St. West of Turnpike Entrance 395-6663 '67 FORD F-100 pick up, V-8 automatic. excellent condition. $950.

Call 1-679-5993 '67 FORD ECONOLINE Exc. cond. 1 owner, new battery, good tires. Std. trans.

with big 6 '64-'65 FORD F100 Pick UPS $595 each. Also dump $750. tail I-ZJ-04J4 '64 FORD Window van excellent condition. Call 262-6442 aft. 4:30 pm '58 FORD Pickup.

Auto. Runs Good. JIM SOLOMON AUTO SALES 2157 W. Broad Peth 865-1700 ALL MAKES USED TRUCKS WM. F.

DEIBERT INC R.D.I, Wescosville 395-5808 ALLENTOWN'S Onlv "Trucks Only" Ford Dealer. Call Now. HUBCO FORD TRUCK SALES, Rte. 309, 395-5875. 65 JEEP Step in, auto, oood cond.

6 olv tires, no cancer $350. Ph. 262-9664 evening 5 to 7 PM 1950 KB5 INTL. TANK TRUCK Equipped for sewage disposal business. Pumps hoses incl.

Cheap. 282-1296. 6 CAR DODGE TRACTOR TRAILER Car Carrier, in excellent condition, a Steal; MARTIN VOLKSWAGEN -3001 MacArthur Rd. 439-1414 PARKER New Used dump trailers ALLENTOWN BRAKE WHEEL SERVICE Phone 395-2042 PICKUPS DUMPS VANS -STAKES ALL AT BILL PEOPLES DODGE TRUCK CENTER BILL PEOPLES INC. 2350 Lehigh Allentown -i 791-C300 SEE the all new Int'l.

Scout II at I LOWE MOYER GARAGE INC. Fogelsville, Pa. 395-2072 CYCLES MEVI-BIKES 93 PER CENT OFF BSA, TRIUMPH. Honda, BMW. Millers Cycle Shop.

Paimerton 826-2319. '66-650 TRIUMPH Bonneville $700. Call 395-9107 after pm Asking P.SA-NORTON-GUZZI-DUCATI AI Sigmans Sales Service Center Rt. 212, Pleasant Valley, Pa. 346-7583 '70 BRIDGESTONE 175 CC, dual-twin.

4 to 5 speed. Good cond. $350. or best offer. Ph.

683-7B31 after 5 p.m. '71 BMW $4595 2500 Air Cond. Auto. P.S. '71 VW Super Beetle 1495 '67 SPITFIRE 895 '69 RENAULT 1195 16 Station Wagon.

Air '68 SAAB 96V4 895 '68 RENAULT 895 10 Automatic '67 RENAULT 10 795 '66 DATSUN 795 Roadster, 2 tops '69 FIAT 124 1395 2 EXAMPLES OUR DEALS 2 leftover 1972 Homette Lynwoods, each have 2 bedrooms. Both loaded. 60'xl2'. Each have Miller gun furnace, 40 gallon hot water heaters. Carpet with padding thru-out living room and bedroom areas, raised ceilings in the living room areas, plumbed for washers and dryers in enclosed areas, removable storm doors windows, shutters, fully furnished, your choice of decor, 2 door refrigerators, door chimes, plastic tub enclosures.

Plus much, much more! These 2 homes are being sold for the close-out price of $6995. each. As an added bonus, buy any home from Memory Homes and you get a famous Ross bicycle for any member of the family that is able to ride. mmcY Gomos Division of HUH STATE ROAD ON THE WAY TO EMMAUS PHONE 967-3155 speed SOLOMON LINCOLN-MERCURY 13th Turner Allentown 434-9386 Highway Auto Sales '67 RAMB. 8 auto $299 '64 DODGE Dart 2 dr.

std $299 '64 CHEVY 4 dr. 8 auto. P.S $399 '65 BUICK Spc. V6, auto $399 '65 FORD 8 auto, sharp $449 '64 CHEVY S.W. 8 auto, sharp $449 '65 CHRY.

300 2 dr. H.T. Sharp $599 '66 DODGE 2 dr. H.T. V8 sharp $799 '66 PONT.

2 dr. H.T. air, sharp $799 '62 INT'L Scout 4 Wd. ft. plow $1349 Financing Available N.

7TH ST. PIKE (BY 2 GUYS) 439-8749 CLEANING OUT ATTIC? Sen items unoer "Articles tor Sale" for quick results. rs.

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.